Garry ...
Personally, I have always loved this set! ...
However, I bought it for myself ...
I think that a lot of carnivorous humans may be in denial about what they eat. And, may want to protect their children from their own discomfort about knowing where steak, bacon and hot dogs really come from ...
Our younger daughter (who is now in her twenties) still likes to pretend that hamburgers really grow on trees ...
It is indeed a part of our history,
But, it makes you wonder how the parents who were upset with this set, rationalize all of the other knights, pirates, wild west, vikings and now the Romans sets
What do they think that a battle axe was used for? Or, a musket? And, how will they explain the gladiators and tigers to their children?
3628 was a great set. But, perhaps just a bit to close too home for a vocal few.
Thanks for a great review,
Maybe next, you would like to review set
5344? That was the European butcher stand (Kleintierstand) that by the time it crossed the Atlantic and arrived in the United States had become an American pet stand ...
All the best and thanks again,