Author Topic: Discovery  (Read 8249 times)

Offline flatcat

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Re: Discovery
« Reply #30 on: August 20, 2010, 08:09:24 »
Thank you very much Gis, Skypurr, and Bonniebeth :wave:

Damo you are a talented story teller and photographer. Your adventure was a real "page turner"! It was very difficult to linger long on any one of your great photos because I just had to see what happened next!

Damo, thank you for creating and sharing your wonderful, exciting and thrilling police action photo-story! Loved it !!!

Thanks you very much, Richard :-[

I just hope the next one is as good :lol:

Damo :)

Offline Ali Baba

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Re: Discovery
« Reply #31 on: August 20, 2010, 11:12:47 »
Love this story. Great pictures. Couldn't stop myself from sneaking peaks at it yesterday from work.
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Offline Rasputin

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Re: Discovery
« Reply #32 on: August 20, 2010, 13:32:55 »

Great fast paced story you put together. The photo angles were very nice as there was never anything in a picture to distract from the adventure. I really liked how when the big black gun came out they kept pointing it at each other  :o I also like how you were able to fit yourself in the story line.

You do have a put together a wonderful story I will read to my boys.

Rasputin "The Mad Monk"
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Offline baden-wurttemberg

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Re: Discovery
« Reply #33 on: August 20, 2010, 14:09:56 »
Wow!!  :o Fantastic photo story Damo!!! Very well done!  :wow:  :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow:  :wow:Can't wait for part 2!

Baden  :wave:
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Offline flatcat

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Re: Discovery
« Reply #34 on: August 20, 2010, 15:46:44 »
Thanks you very much Ali Baba, Rasputin, and Baden :wave:

Your kind words mean a lot to me :cloud9:

Damo :)

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Re: Discovery
« Reply #35 on: August 20, 2010, 16:33:55 »
Excellent story and plot, Damo.  Scout Parsons doesn't seem too bright trying to stop a machine that size with his police car.  Maybe he was brought up on Dixon of Dock Green where the baddies, when cornered, always gave up gracefully saying, "It's a fair cop, Guv.  You've got me bang to rights, put the darbies on!"

The ignition keys in the ignition rang bells.  When I worked on the legal and admin side for a UK company I discovered that because the delivery van drivers kept losing the ignition keys the transport manager had had them welded into the ignition lock.  Well, to say I discovered it isn't quite true - the teenagers who broke into the vehicle compound one night discovered it!
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Offline flatcat

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Re: Discovery
« Reply #36 on: August 20, 2010, 16:46:02 »
Excellent story and plot, Damo.  Scout Parsons doesn't seem too bright trying to stop a machine that size with his police car.  Maybe he was brought up on Dixon of Dock Green where the baddies, when cornered, always gave up gracefully saying, "It's a fair cop, Guv.  You've got me bang to rights, put the darbies on!"

The ignition keys in the ignition rang bells.  When I worked on the legal and admin side for a UK company I discovered that because the delivery van drivers kept losing the ignition keys the transport manager had had them welded into the ignition lock.  Well, to say I discovered it isn't quite true - the teenagers who broke into the vehicle compound one night discovered it!

Thank you Gordon :wave:

Scout Parsons isn't very knowlegable yet in dealing with situations as he is still a scout

That story with the ignition key is very funny! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Damo :)

Offline Rasputin

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Re: Discovery
« Reply #37 on: August 20, 2010, 17:46:25 »

I do the same thing in our trucks and cars. I do not actually weld them in but I leave them in the ignition as to not loose them. I require all our employees to leave them in as well. Trying to keep track of 16 vehicles + all the equipment keys gets really annoying . We do not have problems with kids getting in our yard as we have dogs. The only problem is when I go to stores I tend to leave the keys behind  :-\ Often when we would go hiking in the deep forest the keys to all the logging equipment would be right there. I actually have keys for most everyones equipment as they only make so many keys for a given company (john deere, cat, kubota etc...)

Rasputin "The Mad Monk"
If you hear the sound of the bell which will tell you that Grigori has been killed, if it was your relations who have wrought my death, then no one in the family will remain alive. They will be killed by the Russian people. :prays:

Offline flatcat

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Re: Discovery
« Reply #38 on: August 20, 2010, 17:51:03 »

I do the same thing in our trucks and cars. I do not actually weld them in but I leave them in the ignition as to not loose them. I require all our employees to leave them in as well. Trying to keep track of 16 vehicles + all the equipment keys gets really annoying . We do not have problems with kids getting in our yard as we have dogs. The only problem is when I go to stores I tend to leave the keys behind  :-\ Often when we would go hiking in the deep forest the keys to all the logging equipment would be right there. I actually have keys for most everyones equipment as they only make so many keys for a given company (john deere, cat, kubota etc...)

Rasputin "The Mad Monk"

That is most interesting - what is it exactly you do? ???

It is a funny thing having keys fitting the same machines - our lawnmower key fitted a Kubota mini digger we had :lol:

Damo :)

Offline Andy R

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Re: Discovery
« Reply #39 on: August 22, 2010, 21:31:11 »
I  normally don’t comment on stories, but this was too good to keep quiet on.
Excellent job- Send Scout my regards. :D
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