Author Topic: KIRKBEAN PLAYMOBIL EXHIBITION 2010  (Read 17911 times)

Offline skypurr

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« on: August 19, 2010, 01:01:58 »
An ambition realised.

At last I have sorted out photos from the exhibition,(sorry if there are a lot but I did find it very exciting and got carried away!)
I apologise for this being a long post and understand if anyone wants to skip it and go straight to the photos but thought that first of all I thought I would tell a little about the organising of the event, where it was and how we went about setting it all up.
Unlike a lot of events which take place in cities, this was in a small village in Southern Scotland,  Here are a few pictures from the village:
The village school ...

Kirkbean Church  ... (where John Paul Jones' father is buried)

The Village Hall ...

Other than these buildings there are about 20 - 25 houses scattered around the village.

To begin, for those who don't know, I am secretary of our local village hall which is in need of renovation work so we have been looking for different ways of fundraising.
Although I live 4 miles away from the hall by the coast, our boys went to the village school and the hall covers our village too.
As I have always wanted to set out all our Playmobil so this seemed like a good way of having an extra fundraising event. 
Although Kirkbean is very small, the hall is the focus for the surrounding villages and a few miles away is a large caravan site which caters for about 3000  visitors during the peak of the summer so we though such an event could be an good attraction for the area.

For months I have been making plans on what dioramas we could have and getting extra bits and pieces to go towards what we already had.  Playmobil sent us cds, posters and catalogues and macgayver kindly said we could use his colouring sheets for the children.
Various small problems cropped up - one being that the tables in the hall were being used the weekend before so we couldn't start to set up until the Monday before the event opened (12 noon on Saturday 31st July)  Also Sandy unfortunately had to have a cataract op during that week which meant me having to leave things to get him to hospital (18 miles away), collect him and take him back for a check up!
However Monday morning arrived and we went to set up the tables. 
Problem number 1 ... A lot of the tables were different sizes so it took a long time to sort out those needed for the different displays.  The next step was to paint the covers we were going to use,  We were using vinyl tablecovering and painting this with a mixture of emulsion paint and in some cases acrylic paint to get the colour we needed.  Because of the space needed for this we couldn't do this at home.
I then found that I hadn't enough table covers so Tuesday meant another 34 mile round trip to get more.
Tuesday afternoon came and we could start setting up at last. 
I decided to have as a centre diorama, a modern street with garden centre at one end, shops, hospital, school and church, then a park at the other end.  I had worked out the layout of all the buildings at home but putting everything in them (especiially the garden centre) took a long time.
This proved to be the case with all of the displays and unfortunately a number of the smaller details I had planned weren't possible due to lack of time and table space.  Sandy helped with putting the klickies in the display (some not quite how I had planned!)  and Junior did the entire Jungle, Space and Underwater displays.  The pirate diorama had to be shelved as we ran out of time and ended up with just three ships, an island and a few pirates! however nobody really seemed to mind.
We had a childrens' play area, colouring corner and a 'lucky dip' for a klicky which helped to cover some of my expenses such as advertising, posters etc.
We finally finished setting up at 8.15am on the Saturday morning, having been in the hall from 3.30pm on Friday afternoon!
I was back at the hall when we opened at noon and must admit that even though I was so tired, the joy of talking to people about Playmobil for three days was wonderful!
I know my collection is not very large compared to what some people have, but for me it was an ambition realised and everyone who visited was impressed and went round with smiles on their faces!
Adults enjoyed it as much if not more than the children and loved looking for the Bunny family, Wally, and 9 different coloured frogs hidden in the jungle.
And in the end we raised nearly £600 for the much needed renovations. 
We're already thinking about doing it all again next year...!!!

Anyway here are the pics ...

Unfortunately when we had a lot of visitors I was too busy talking to take photos so most photos are at the end of the day.  Consequently any figures that had fallen over or things in the wrong place hadn't been sorted out ready for the next day so please excuse these!

Starting to set up

Things to look out for ...

Under the photo of each display is a link to a slideshow of more detailed photos of that scene. (Hope it works   :crossed:!)

The Modern Street

The Park



Arctic and Pirates were just small displays showing a little of our collection so I have put them together

Victorian - Again lack of space dictated what I could display so we just made a small market scene and Victorian wedding.

A Small Medieval Town

Airport - Sandy put in the klickies for this - the klickies at the to of the airport are a visiting pop group and the ones on the ground waving their arms in the air are their fans!  :lol:

Western Town

Fairy Tale - Mainly the Ball scene from Cinderella and other magical/fairy tale scenes (again time defeated us!)

Jungle (look out for different coloured frogs)

Underwater - This was entirely Junior's idea - He turned a table upside down, filled the bottom with sand and fastened thick clear plastic all round the outside.  He then fastened fish etc from the top with invisible thread.  I was very impressed with the result.  (He  hid 5 seahorses in the display too.)

A few  scenes from around the hall.

Finally ...
All pcked up ready for home - just have to find somewhere to store it all again.  :lol:

It was hard work but definitely worth all the effort and I'm looking forward to next year's event - we'll have to get bigger tables though!
(A big plus is that it gives me a good excuse to carry on buying more Playmobil  ;D)

Elaine :)
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Offline scan

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« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2010, 01:18:50 »
Hello Elaine,

Very nice dioramas !

You have set this all up with only 3 persons ?

Offline WarriorOfToys

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« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2010, 01:53:37 »
Amazing job Elaine! :)
I loved them all, especially the Castle one! ;)
Well done!
Steck is BACK! <:>

Offline Richard

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« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2010, 03:27:42 »


Well done, Elaine !!!

This is exactly what we are hoping to do all over the world with the official Playmobil Collectors Club.

Maybe next year there may be some Playmobil collectors from Scotland, northern England and Wales who might want to help you to make Kirkbean even bigger! (That is if you want to make it bigger.) ... ;)

Thank you very much for sharing your town and your wonderful displays with all of us.
(Loved Junior's underwater display. He is a very creative young man!)

All the best,

Offline playmovictorian

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« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2010, 03:41:42 »
Absolutely marvellous Elaine & Jr  :wave:

What a wonderful village you live in  :love:

Karim :)
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Offline Wolf Knight

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« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2010, 06:13:52 »
Absolutely amazing Elaine!!!!  :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Thank you for the background on your local community and thank you for these awesome pictures of your displays!!!

I really loved the way you mixed the system x fort with the older type one!!!

And the castle/medieval village had some really beautyful everyday medieval scenes!!!

Offline shirona33

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« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2010, 06:26:27 »
Am I right? You did that all by yourself? The playmo you show, is all your own? 8}

Respect and Congratulations! Wonderful! :love:

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Offline Gis

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« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2010, 06:27:15 »
Everything you shared here shows your love for Playmobil!! It is really amazing everything you set up and a wonderful initiative in general. Introductions like the one you did really adds to the feel of things so we can better understand the background :-)

The diorama's were wonderfully set up and the only fallen over klicky I saw was a skater and well just just normal for these guys right.

Like Sir Wolf mentioned the medieval set up is just amazing, it really felt like just another day for these people.

And Jr. did a wonderful job with the Underwater Wworld and Jungle diorama's. What can I say, I can only hope we will be able to share our hobby with our as much as you can with Jr.

Thank you very much for sharing all the pictures! I hope next year you will also make a Zoo *wink* (So we can "borrow" some of your ideas)

Offline flatcat

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« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2010, 07:55:38 »
Great pics Elaine, you must have had a great time setting up all those dioramas!

I am suprised youy just put up 'Please do not touch the displays' - if it were my Playmobil I would have had those posts with ropes going around :lol:

Your village hall looks very modern and impressive - ours has an aesbestos roof and inside covered with dark wood panelling :0

I am liking the sound of a large joint display :yup:

Damo :)

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« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2010, 09:00:03 »
That's an amazing set up, Elaine, for a whole team of fans let alone three of you, and Junior's underwater scene is a stroke of genius.  I haven't yet had time to follow up the detailed pics but I will later today.

I hadn't realised that the £600 was raised just by this one display.  Round about the same time our village hall (Diane is on the committee) was having an annual FunDay with children's races, barbecue, book and plant sale, teas etc and only raised £730 or so, so your result is really staggering.

If you plan it again, let me know and I'll gladly help with setting up and displays too.  Juts give me plenty of notice so I can book the date.
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