Author Topic: Oh the Wonderful Things the Postman Will Bring!  (Read 24553 times)

Offline Wesley Myers

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Re: Oh the Wonderful Things the Postman Will Bring!
« Reply #110 on: August 08, 2011, 00:24:50 »
This just goes to show how much wasted space there is in some Playmobil boxes:


Did the company think to justify their prices by having a big box?  (that would be opened up and the person would see how empty it really was?!)

Offline bonniebeth

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Re: Oh the Wonderful Things the Postman Will Bring!
« Reply #111 on: August 08, 2011, 00:30:48 »
Great garage sale finds! :inlove:

The others are great, too, but finding that airplane in its box at a garage sale is awesome!
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Offline Wolf Knight

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Re: Oh the Wonderful Things the Postman Will Bring!
« Reply #112 on: August 08, 2011, 05:48:13 »
That was a garage sale  :o :o :o :o

 :hissyfit: :hissyfit: :hissyfit: :hissyfit: :hissyfit: nobody in Greece sell their playbil like that  :'( :'( :'( (or anyhting for that matter)

Offline Giorginetto

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Re: Oh the Wonderful Things the Postman Will Bring!
« Reply #113 on: August 08, 2011, 07:32:39 »
That was a garage sale  :o :o :o :o

 :hissyfit: :hissyfit: :hissyfit: :hissyfit: :hissyfit: nobody in Greece sell their playbil like that  :'( :'( :'( (or anyhting for that matter)

Yeasp and thats somethign that wont happen. I remember when I was in the UK i bought this way my neighbours BMW 735i and at a very good price too as he wanted to find a good home for the car. I actually bought a couple of playmobils by such garage sails but also a lot of other stuf i like ( Antiques, old books, rare CDs etc etc ) , i really like such sales
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Offline Wesley Myers

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Re: Oh the Wonderful Things the Postman Will Bring!
« Reply #114 on: August 08, 2011, 18:38:22 »
So what do people in Greece do with all their old stuff?

Offline Wolf Knight

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Re: Oh the Wonderful Things the Postman Will Bring!
« Reply #115 on: August 08, 2011, 18:45:19 »
So what do people in Greece do with all their old stuff?

they either hoard them (and thats about 90% old people hoarding) or throw away (90% of what happens to old stuff) ... no charity shops (apart from some shops run by the church but people avoid buying from there), no garage sales (houses don't have garages anyways, its mostly block of flats in every major city), no fleamarkets.

so its as I said, either hoard or throw away... its a cultural thing...

Offline Wesley Myers

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Re: Oh the Wonderful Things the Postman Will Bring!
« Reply #116 on: August 08, 2011, 20:13:30 »
they either hoard them (and thats about 90% old people hoarding) or throw away (90% of what happens to old stuff) ... no charity shops (apart from some shops run by the church but people avoid buying from there), no garage sales (houses don't have garages anyways, its mostly block of flats in every major city), no fleamarkets.

so its as I said, either hoard or throw away... its a cultural thing...

So you should introduce "dumpster diving".

Is ebay popular in Greece then?

Offline Wolf Knight

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Re: Oh the Wonderful Things the Postman Will Bring!
« Reply #117 on: August 08, 2011, 20:28:52 »
So you should introduce "dumpster diving".

Is ebay popular in Greece then?

Its a weird case... up until a couple of years ago, people did not want to make any transaction through the internet... having a credit card, sharing their data, mistrust and fear towards electronic commerce did not allow for a lot of use... but generaly, an agegroup between 16 and 50 years old are using the internet more than they used to. still transactions are at a low level, but yeah ebay is popular today, and there are even a couple of greek sites shaped after it. there is even a nice site that promotes excahnge of items that are not needed anymore... But the problem is mainly that people here dont like to own and use used products or items (thus too difficult for people to accept dumpster diving, unless they are homeless ir come from a low social background...), but also dont want to part with many of their possessions.... Its a very unique and weird case..

Offline Wesley Myers

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Re: Oh the Wonderful Things the Postman Will Bring!
« Reply #118 on: April 21, 2013, 21:34:54 »
It's been a while since I've put anything on here - it's also been a while since I've been buying lots.  There's only so much room and I did not need any more.  I have gotten a few things here and there but have not posted them.  However, since I have not done this in a while I will do some more. 

The first is some dinosaur sets I found locally.  They are not 100% complete but that's okay, they add to the ones we already have and the price was good. 

Here is the load dumped out on the table:

Here is the spinosaurus set:

T-Rex set:

Hovercraft and 4x4 with cage:


Giant croc (not part of the Dino Range proper, but it works with the sets):

Offline Wesley Myers

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Re: Oh the Wonderful Things the Postman Will Bring!
« Reply #119 on: April 21, 2013, 22:19:20 »
My favourite lots to get are those of mixed parts that you get to sort though and try to figure out what you have got.

Here is one such lot.  The images on ebay did not show all the stuff in the lot and that's how I like it - a nice surprise.

Here is the box:

The bag inside the box:

Other side:

Bottom of it:

Dumped out:

A lot of the Lighthouse Fortress accessories (wonder what happened to the lighthouse itself?).  The figures, accessories and the extra dock piece are a welcome addition.  Now my lighthouse will have a much more functional dock (and you can't go wrong with 3 more Spanish):

Lots of olde fixed hand primary colour figures.  These are like super clean!  It's like they've never really been played with or someone really scrubbed them somehow - like a dishwasher - but yet, I'd say they are still too clean for even that.

Pirate figures from set 3480:

If I go through the other accessories from other lots, I am pretty sure I can make this complete set out of old parts in the spares.

Beach family (I pulled the hair off one of the fixed wrist ladies and put it on her):

Space accessories:

Olde fireman accessories (there are three of the olde firemen in the fixed wrist figures):

Some Western accessories (and another sheriff):

Some medieval figures and accessories (they're what caught my eye for the lot):

These will go into the Dino's bin:

The figures and accessories from the 5803 Take Along Castle (again, like the lighthouse where is the castle?):

Dragon Knights 3319:

A couple figures from the 3668 Knight's Training Field:

A couple more Vikings (can you ever really have enough Vikings?!  Yes, I realise the hat and beard are not for the vikings, they just happened to be in the picture ...):

Some extra parts:

I have no idea what the black hinged piece is from nor the black block pieces nor the red piece.  Anyone able to shed some light on these?

Some extra City Life type accessories:

These might shed some light on the condition of the rest of the (missing) lighthouse ...