What were the figures there Socrates? (sounds very greek to me ;-))
Kids meal is not expensive but no way they give the figures separately yet.
I have tried everything and then i get disaproving looks from the kids waiting in que LOL
For the Nordsee figures you can look here:
http://www.playmofriends.com/forum/index.php?topic=232.0Hmm, so the next time you could offer these kids to give them the meals for free.
I just read in the german board, a meal is 3,30 Euro. So offer the staff to pay for ten
meals as a donation for the staff people and/or the next customers...
...and you just take the figures for your mad collector friends all around the world...
I am not sure, as I cannot read a single word on the companys webpage, but maybe
you might be able to get a deal with the stores manager...
take care (...on your weight gain?