As reported in the 'is Target discontinuing Playmobil' threads new sets have started showing up.
At my local Target this morning (Springfield OR) they had:
5903 - Lions - male, female, baby lion with cow skeleton ribcage and dog-bone and small Acacia $7.99
5904 - Jeep from African series and rhino - no trailer $14.99
5905 - Zebra and baby with gazelle and leopard on a stream base with Acacia $12.99
5906 - Giraffe, elephant, flamingos and a pelican on a double stream base with larger acacia $19.99
5907 - Top floor of African building (System X) with 2 figures, baby elephant,baby giraffe, baby rhino and baby leopards, male ostrich, chimpanzee and baby monkey and assorted accessories $29.99
5915 - Police Car with two figures
5916 - Police mini-helicopter
5917 - Police Station To Go set with yet another new print motorcycle. This has been talked about elsewhere and it looks great in person but is $39.95
also on the shelf are the last firetruck and the mermaid large blister set. The Knights blister will probably also show up based on the shelf tag, and there are tags for the carry sets but they weren't there yet.
The full size elephant shown on the box has it's trunk pointing towards itself like the old one but the one inside is the new one with the trunk pointing away from the body. The baby is the newer one too - I consider both of these to represent Asian elephants rather than African like the old ones did. I'm sure they were included because that was what's in production right now, and it is a vague enough difference to not be too big of a deal.
I got all of the African sets, box pics to follow this evening after work.