I really like your custom bronze knights a lot, Panos! I think you've done a much better job putting them together than Playmobil did originally! The dark grey weapons make a nice contrast to the bronze armor too.
Let me take the men one by one and give you my suggestions.
First, the leader looks excellent, but I’d give him, not the swordsmen, the big bronze wavy sword and take away his gladius and replace it with a dark grey dagger. The big dog should have the big sword!
I like the commander, but is he really necessary? I feel that he looks outranked by the guardians and possibly even the swordsmen. I would consider getting rid of him and give his shield to the standard bearer and his helmet to the swordsmen.
The standard bearer looks perfect, although I would give him the commander’s shield. I love your custom creation of the standard pole and the vertical all black standard!
The guardians are perfect as is, but I think they look mightier than the commander.
The swordsmen look great, but I think the big wavy sword should go to the commander. I realize your problem of not having enough dark grey swords, but Gis’ suggestion of the diamond hilted dark grey sword would remedy this. If you can’t get a hold of enough of those swords, what about using the standard bearer’s dark grey sword and giving him the leader’s dark grey gladius? Also, if you eliminate the commander, giving the swordsmen his helmet could work well and then give the infantry the swordsmen’s current helmets.
I really like the infantry as is, but if you changed the swordsmen’s helmets to the commander’s helmet, I’d give the infantry the swordsmen’s current helmets.
These are really just minor suggestions, Panos, because I really think your men all look really great as they are!