Remember I had a 4 and a 6 year old with me. To say that I didn't even have half the time I wanted to look at the dioramas is an understament. I am very sorry I don't remember your name. Which one was yours?

I fool you! Just a little joke!

You saw Tombstone by Nosferatu? In third line, there was my name. He lend some parts for building the houses by mine. And Mrs. Kupiak advise him, to get a development aid, so he asked me and I went with him to Utrecht. 4 days, 4400 km. It was a hard ride but funny.

But I had a great experience. Mrs. Kupiak asked some people for a knife. When she asked me, she found the one who had. She showed me something, where a engraved plate was askew. It was done with a double faced adhesive tape. I repaired it and went back to finish the diorama. Later, we looked what playmobil was presenting old things, I saw and realized WHAT I repaired. I had a toy award in my hands.