Here we have the 3 wise men and the holy ghost visiting baby J. They brought gold, frankincense, myrrh, and some other box of something. Hey, I'm just glad one of the wisemen is black.
On the bottom we have guitar man! He;s the coolest man he knows! Hanging out with him is the Maltese Grandmaster. Super mysterioso. Behind them are some animals. You know how they are; once you take them out the package, they just roam around not wanting to stay with the rest of the set.
Then we have a raver. People may think he's a dead pirate, but I've been to raves. I know what ravers look like.
Then some vultures eating a carcass like they do.
And then THE FAIRY! She was just too awesome to pass up. I think I saw her at a gay pride festival. And she made me laugh when I saw her. Come on! She has rainbows, multiple stars on her wand AND a star antenna on her head. How could you pass her up?