Ok so here's more!!!
The good king's champion is actually a revised 5732 knight! And I'll explain in a close picture in a bit!
The lion knights are the main cavalry, along with the fluer-de-lis and castle knights that I will show you at a later post... Thes red/black lion coats for the horses are soooo hard to find! Last year Jumbo, a major toystore chain, brought loads of 3030s sets...this coat can only be found there and in 5725. I bought four 3030s just for the coats, knights, and steck of course but could not get any more...by christmas time they were all gone... I got the other two coats off ebay after a hard bidding contest...and waiting for one more sometime next week. I do plan, if DS accepts the order, to get a 100 of them... horses, coats, knights!
I've changed the arms of the 5732 knight, his blonde hair with gold chainmail, his grey helmet with a gold one, and added a beard to make him look more serious. Thus making the Champion of my good king!!!