Cool figures! The guy on the end is a little different from the rest, is he a particular character?
If there are six Dark Knights, how many Dark Sentinels are there, and are the numbers fixed?
Hi Martin!! Thanks for your question!!! I helps me work on the scenario a little more!!!
The double axe, light colour armored knight is the leading figure of this group. He used to be a 3315 Dark Knight...but he could not accept or embrace the balancing philosophy between good and evil his brethren have (like the unicorn knights and green dragon knights)
So he left the group and found his way to the Duke's court, thus taking up the task of training the Black Knights on how to move further into the dark side...

He is actually the one that lays the ground for them to enter the Dark Sentinels ranks...
There will be more Black knights of course... I have not yet descided on the numbers but I think I'll have twenty Dark the Black knights need to be around 50 or, got to work more on new black knights....
I'll also need to work on the Dark Sentinels design....