Author Topic: Which official Playmobil Knight would stand at the end??  (Read 10271 times)

Offline Wolf Knight

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Re: Which official Playmobil Knight would stand at the end??
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2010, 14:30:46 »

Ever seen a jousting lance in a real battle? There are good reasons why!

You mean its not easy to use the jousting lance in a battlefield?...Yes that is true and I think it has never happened.

The lance is so heavy and the knight needs to be very focused and very manouverable and agile if he was to use on in a battlefield. That is why I equip my knights with one hand heavy weapons... can cause real damage when mounted...

Offline Giorginetto

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Re: Which official Playmobil Knight would stand at the end??
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2010, 15:56:58 »
But this is a jousting knight. What are we comparing? Fun and games or a fight to the death?

Jousting works only if you obey the rules! This equipment makes you very cumbersome. You could take out a knight like that if you are more agile. I simple lightly armoured knight on a good horse would take him out any day. A morning star would make short work of this one.

Ever seen a jousting lance in a real battle? There are good reasons why!

The 3669 is without doubt a fighting horsed knight . to suggest otherwise would be mere ignorance ... anyone to oppose this knight???  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Offline Ali Baba

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Re: Which official Playmobil Knight would stand at the end??
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2010, 16:28:34 »
Nah, he just a leisure time weekend game knight. Not the real stuf. He has a wooden stick and a pimp my ride horse!

I´ll have to check my collectors guide, but I´m sure there is plenty of choice against this poseur.

3315 for instance.
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Offline flatcat

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Re: Which official Playmobil Knight would stand at the end??
« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2010, 18:30:55 »
For me, with out a shadow of a doubt it has to be the classic Playmobil knight like this one:

Thanks PlaymoDB for the pic ;)

Damo :)

Offline Justindo

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Re: Which official Playmobil Knight would stand at the end??
« Reply #14 on: July 16, 2010, 19:06:32 »
I agree that both 3315 and 3369 are good choices.  Both knights feature the most modern plate armor Playmobil has produced and good helmets.

I think 3315 may have the edge in most categories and he does look very fearsome.  While his somewhat impractical arm armor and helmet crest could impede him in some ways and his stomach and lower back lacks any visible plate armor (perhaps strips of plate are underneath his surcoat?), he is otherwise well armored with plate or chain mail on his legs.  He carries both a sword and an axe, albeit a slightly heavy and impractical double edged one.  Unfortunately, he carries no lance, which is a severe disadvantage when facing an opponent with one, as he really has nothing to counter a lanced opponent and he may be unhorsed before being able to reach his opponent with his axe. 

I think 3369 has better arm and body plate armor, but his legs are unarmored.  He also has a lance, which is vital to combat, but unfortunately he falls short by having no other weapons.  Once his lance breaks or is lost, he's out of the fight.

If one could combine these two knights into one, one would have a fearsome knight!  Actually, it would be quite interesting to see these two knights go at it, but it would only be fair to give 3369 a sword and maybe 3315 a lance.
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Offline AndrewL

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Re: Which official Playmobil Knight would stand at the end??
« Reply #15 on: July 16, 2010, 20:58:29 »
How about 3890 - Baron?

And this guy is one I think most other Klickies wouldn't want to meet down a dark alley: 4517 - Dark Knight.

Of course, either of these two would be at a disadvantage not being mounted, but sitting on a horse is no guarantee of success in battle  ;)



Offline Elric

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Re: Which official Playmobil Knight would stand at the end??
« Reply #16 on: July 17, 2010, 00:28:35 »
The 3891 ox knight looks tough.

Offline Sir Gareth

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Re: Which official Playmobil Knight would stand at the end??
« Reply #17 on: July 17, 2010, 14:25:50 »
ME, ME, ME, I'm the best knight.  ;D

 I also have evidence of one of my triumphs and a story has been written about one of my adventures.

 I travel light have good vision when my visor is up, my horse is fast agile and can see where it is going. When I dismount I can move faster than a heavy Knight climb and even swim, also I can get back onto my horse without help from others.

 Heavy Knights need slow cart horses like the Suffolk Punch to carry them around and a hoist to put them on it and squires to pass them their shield and weapons. If they get knocked off they are slow to stand up and can not get back onto thier horse and if they fall in the moat they will sink and drown.

 Strength and heavy axes and other weapons and a slow horse weighed down with heavy armour doesn't make an invincible knight.


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Online Rasputin

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Re: Which official Playmobil Knight would stand at the end??
« Reply #18 on: July 17, 2010, 14:55:17 »

All this talk about mounted knights, why not in battle use Sir Garth's mentioned abilities, agility and quickness. As the horse draws near maneuver quickly and cut the horses legs off and watch the knight go flying like a lead ball to the ground ? The horses lower legs have no armor and a well made sword can surely cut them off.

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Offline Ali Baba

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Re: Which official Playmobil Knight would stand at the end??
« Reply #19 on: July 17, 2010, 15:06:02 »

The question is which offical knight would stand at the end. A knight is by definition a horse rider.

Of course a footman with a pike would pose a very real thread to a knight in full charge. But a footman is not a knight.
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