3315 is one hard mediaval knight indeed. Very mean !!!!! BUUUUUUT without a jousting spear he doesnt stand a chance against other knight champions . From the perspective of % of armoury covered body and thickness , surface area of shield, compare these criteria and to the knight of the old 3669 with careful analysis - in my opinion - one can conclude ( in my own opinion ) the 3669 is a superior knight... His helmet and armoury is second to none, weight them see the volume and you will know what i mean . Also his horse has metal protection whereas the 3315 and so many other knights have no indication of metal , just cloth ( and I am reffering to what one immediately can see and not what one can assume ..) . The 3315 has no armour half body down and a narrow shield and no spear, wouldnt stand a chance on a knight's horse duel .... same goes for most of other horsed knights.. 3669 was mean in the 80s, mean in the 90s, mean in the 00s and continues being the top knight in 2010......
That other knight on the dragon , sorry is that really playmobil , look slike more GI joe to me
. I think we are talking about knights on horses and not fantasy theme , in the latter case too many assumptions , fire balls , etc fall into the question and deviate from original question...
Still to see a knight with better armour than the 3669. Grangel must be over the moon i think he has a few 000s of them ( i only have 60 or so horsed 3669 knights )