US citizens are very concerned with safety!
I feel it's more that US companies are more concerned with litigation, because it's a sue-happy society.
I am a child, my brain stopped developing a self-preservation instinct in the womb, so I must be warned about everything that might hurt me. I cannot think for myself, I must be told.
This is why many things (such as medical care) are WAAAY more expensive that they need to be, because the service provider needs to shield themselves against that one idiot who might sue them.
If the legal system threw these cases out of court (with a fine and court costs paid by the initiator), maybe we'd have less of this nonsense, but of course they won't because it'd cut down on their own business.
Unfortunately the UK has been following the US into the litigation-happy style, and now if you have an accident or hurt yourself, you are urged to find someone else to blame for your misfortune or stupidity, with the hopes of making a fortune.
Wait up, I have a bag of chips (crisps) here which don't warn me not to roll the bag into a cylinder and shove it up my nose. I think I'll try it and see if I suffocate. brb