I'm trying to keep custom work down to a minimum as in recent years it has got a bit out of hand - all custom and no play, as it were. However, I have made some changes to the 4820 turntable ladder, partly to make better use of the storage locker, a problem I mentioned in my review here:
http://www.playmofriends.com/forum/index.php?topic=4263.0and also to make better storage provision for the hose reel. In addition, there have been some detailing changes.
Starting with the storage, I fitted a reduced height storage tray below the stretcher. The tray was simply sanded down with wet "wet and dry" paper until it was shallow enough to fit into the locker while allowing a full depth tray at the bottom containing the road traffic cones, petrol can and chain saw. I checked progress regularly and once I was sure that the tray was shallow enough to fit in filled with equipment, plus the supporting brackets and the tray of equipment at the bottom of the locker, I glued the brackets in place.
Here are the photos, starting with a comparison between the original depth of the slide out tray and the finished one after rubbing down and then the equipment carried in the new tray.

Next, the two storage trays in place and then a photo of the lower slid out to show the equipment in it.