Well, finally found some time to finish my first steck floor. A bit of a miracle really, because it's 30 degrees (Celsius, 400 Fahrenheit) outside and we are having friends over for a BBQ tonight.
Anyway, I used woodglue to glue the parts together. With a grinder bit in my multitool I adjusted the slots, so the floor would fit on a wall.
Some of my findings: you'll have to work rather accurately, because otherwise you'll get a wonky bit of floor. That is only a problem with this bit of half floor, because it is fitted to the wall only on one side, on two brackets. Square pieces of floor or those long ones are probably easier.
It's probably best to make some cardboard templates for the parts, so you can make the parts more accurately. This prototype was often done a bit freehand. Especially the cutting of the slots.
Next time I'll make a bit of square flooring. I allready bought a pattern paper at a doll house shop, to cover it with.