I ordered lots of flowers recently (random ones for no particular reason other than to ring the changes, and I also have some landscape bases that I've bought separately (ie with part or no set to go with them) which use for displays, again for no specific reason

Some were on sprues but most, as I recall, were single. Here goes with the ones I think came singly
30 02 6600 (blue)
30 20 3920 (yellow)
30 20 4450 (pink flowers - water lilies in my opinion)
30 24 9220 (yellow)
30 25 1280 (orange)
30 25 3050 (red roses)
30 06 0930 (yellow)
Sunflowers come as separate component parts.
I also ordered various flower stems and leaf bases too. I agree, though, that you can never have too many flowers (a) they are pretty and (b) they don't take up a lot of storage space