Klickus, again you are over simplyfiyng things.
Sure there was Greek writing on egyptian temples. Go look for yourself, as I did. Furthermore Hieroglyphs on temples were in the official ritual writing. These hieroglyphs were not used in daily life. They used demotic writing for daily use. And for daily use, in ptolemeaic times, greek was also used. Or are you not familiar with the Rosetta stone? It is in Hieroglyphs (official writing), demotic and greek and it is from the ptolemaic era.
As for seafaring, there is a nice book on Egyptian seafaring:
Cedar, Frankincense and Spoils of War: Seafaring in Ancient Egypt"
For release: March 2, 2010
For press information, contact the Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology, 901/678-2555
And an tv show and exhibit in the Cairo museum of archeology:
No, Ali Baba, again you are misinterpreting what I am saying. I did not say that they Egyptians never went to sea. There is plenty of evidence that they obtained goods from faraway places (e.g. cedars from Lebanon). I am asserting that that was not commonplace. They could sail the oceans; they were just not as good at it as the Greeks, Phoenicians, Persian, and Romans. If you really think they are, then show me Egyptian colonies, show me historical writings by any culture that they engaged in regular extensive trade around the Mediterranean.
As for the Greek writings, remember I said that the Ptolemies (except for Cleopatra) disdained Egyptian culture. And I find it insulting that you think I am not aware of the Rosetta Stone. Your entire tone throughout this debate has been disrespectful and insulting.
Furthermore, this evades the original hypothesis that Egyptians could be found in Rome prior to the Roman annexation. Show me the Roman writings. Show me the Roman artwork. I'm willing to concede.
Okay. Listen. If you really want to debate this further, this is not the appropriate thread. You can start a new topic of your own in the Playfree Zone. I won't visit it, but you can start one and make all the arguments you want. You can even make more disparaging remarks about me to your heart's content.
I don't visit Playmofriends to debate history. I come here to hang out with Playmobil fans and see what they are doing. I don't get particular enjoyment from debates. I find them odious, trivial, and definitely not fun.
I'll tell you what. I'll let you have the parting shot in this debate. I will not respond so you can have the last word. That way, you can move on as I am about to do...
Hey Justindo, I love your customs! Very impressive!