Author Topic: HELP NEEDED!  (Read 6610 times)

Offline WarriorOfToys

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« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2010, 16:09:42 »
Are you doing displayes from the town's history?
Like a medieval display, then a Napoleonic one... And whatever else there is?

If you are doing something about the town you could call it Minni-Kirkbean.
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Offline playmofire

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« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2010, 16:41:18 »
Hello Elaine,

Is there a central theme to the dioramas or any other displays or activities going on? Could you have a picture coloring table for the kiddies that tie in with the dioramas?  ???

Hasn't macgayver posted some klicky outlines for colouring on Playmofriends?

Yes, he has here:

and he seems happy for people to print them off.   :)
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Offline skypurr

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« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2010, 23:23:42 »
Do you need any help with displays?

(although I am a little away from you!)

Thanks for the offer Damo, however we are quite a few hundred miles away! 
I have lots of ideas for the displays and am able to spend the week before setting up at the hall if need be. 
I hope to set each display up at home first just to make sure that I have everything I needl
I have lots of ideas, just have to work out what to use as a base for each diorama - and sort out all my Playmobil a lot of which is in various boxes, drawers and plastic crates at the moment.
I did get most of my circus stuff out and set that up although I will need a bigger area than I have at home - I'll post some pictures of what I set up.

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Offline skypurr

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« Reply #13 on: June 06, 2010, 23:28:18 »
Are you doing displayes from the town's history?
Like a medieval display, then a Napoleonic one... And whatever else there is?

If you are doing something about the town you could call it Minni-Kirkbean.

The village itself is quite small, the most important piece of history connected with it is that it was the birthplace of John Paul Jones, he went to school there and his father is buried in the churchyard. Dumfries which is the nearest town is most famous for being the place where Robert Burns lived, died and is buried.
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Offline skypurr

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« Reply #14 on: June 06, 2010, 23:34:52 »
Hello Elaine,

Is there a central theme to the dioramas or any other displays or activities going on? Could you have a picture coloring table for the kiddies that tie in with the dioramas?  ???

The dioramas will be from assorted themes, but we do plan to have a 'play area' so kiddies can play while their parents enjoy tea and cakes, I've also bought some 123 stuff for younger children.  We also plan to have a 'lucky dip' where for a small fee they can choose a klicky.

Hasn't macgayver posted some klicky outlines for colouring on Playmofriends?

Thanks for the link again Gordon, I did think of asking macgayver if he minded us using his pictures for a 'colouring table'
I also thought of having some of my Playmobil themed greeting cards for sale!

The main thing missing is a name for the event.

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Offline flatcat

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« Reply #15 on: June 07, 2010, 07:09:52 »
Thanks for the offer Damo, however we are quite a few hundred miles away! 
I have lots of ideas for the displays and am able to spend the week before setting up at the hall if need be. 
I hope to set each display up at home first just to make sure that I have everything I needl
I have lots of ideas, just have to work out what to use as a base for each diorama - and sort out all my Playmobil a lot of which is in various boxes, drawers and plastic crates at the moment.
I did get most of my circus stuff out and set that up although I will need a bigger area than I have at home - I'll post some pictures of what I set up.


Miles are no problem to us, infact my Mum agreed we could have it as a short holiday, as I have never been to Scotland. But it sounds like you have got it all under control - sorry, I still can't think of a name :eh?:

Offline skypurr

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« Reply #16 on: June 07, 2010, 14:33:06 »
Miles are no problem to us, infact my Mum agreed we could have it as a short holiday, as I have never been to Scotland. But it sounds like you have got it all under control - sorry, I still can't think of a name :eh?:

If you are in the area you are very welcome to help Damo,
I expect I'll be doing most of the setting up myself with a bit of help from Junior.
My other son who is 15 has some special needs and although he has a lot of enthusiasm he lacks on fine motor skills and does tend to knock things over!  He is also rather enthusiastic and likes to try to add the figures while I'm still setting up the buildings and landscape and it can get rather confusing!  ;D

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Offline flatcat

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« Reply #17 on: June 07, 2010, 14:39:50 »
My other son who is 15 has some special needs and although he has a lot of enthusiasm he lacks on fine motor skills and does tend to knock things over!  He is also rather enthusiastic and likes to try to add the figures while I'm still setting up the buildings and landscape and it can get rather confusing!  ;D


Sounds very much like my stepsister! - when we are building a castle or something she always starts to put the bits in and playing with it before we have finished building it, and the most annoying thing she does is to keep slotting the filler toasts into each other as I am using them! ;D

Offline Gepetto

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« Reply #18 on: June 07, 2010, 16:49:37 »
Well, since we are brainstorming and not knowing if your Playmobil is tying in to a larger village wide event or is free-standing. There could be the very UK sounding (to us Americans at least) 'The Klickies of Kirkbean' or the 'Kirkbean Klicky Kollection' where the term Klickies would be explained straight away and then your various dioramas showing how flexible and full the Playmobil range is working toward a diorama of John Paul Jones again displaying their educational value and versatility.  ???

Offline skypurr

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« Reply #19 on: June 08, 2010, 12:42:20 »
I contacted Playmobil UK last week and yesterday got a reply to say they will send me some posters, catalogues and Egyptian cd roms to give out, so that was a  good surprise!  :)

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