Author Topic: HELP NEEDED!  (Read 6609 times)

Offline skypurr

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« on: June 03, 2010, 15:37:52 »
As I mentioned when I joined Playmofriends, at the beginning of August Junior and I are putting on a display of Playmobil to help raise money for our village hall which is in need of some renovation.  We plan to show various dioramas, Playmo through the years, etc. We also plan to have a small area where children can play while adults have afternoon tea.  Because we live in a tourist area we hope to attract lots of visitors, especially families.
Most of the displays will be on a small scale - nothing like McGayver's displays!  however we plan to cover lots of different themes. 
So here is the challenge - what we need help with is a title for this event and ideas for the posters.   At the moment when we talk about it we just call it the Playmobil event but we need a name that will be eyecatching but also descriptive as we realise that not everyone knows what Playmobil is (at the JPJ museum last week I heard someone describe my Playmobil ships as Lego >:()

So any help would be appreciated   :help:

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Offline flatcat

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« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2010, 15:41:50 »
Do you need any help with displays?

(although I am a little away from you!)

Offline Wolf Knight

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« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2010, 16:39:44 »
Elaine, how many dioramas are you planning on doing and what themes? What is the one theme you have loads and loads of items from?

Maybe you can have a poster where playmobil construction klickies are building/renovating the village hall up....Maybe a bit of photoshop (which i really have never used)..... playmobil scaffoldings around tha building and the various vehicles and klickies workign around it?

Offline Gis

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« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2010, 16:43:12 »
I can do a bit of photoshopping if needed. NOt an expert but I can learn quickly enouhg :-)

Your idea sounds great, Wolf Knight!

Maybe do a before (with the playmo workers)/after picture where the after is Playmorized??

Just brainstorming!

Offline Wolf Knight

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« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2010, 16:46:47 »
I can do a bit of photoshopping if needed. NOt an expert but I can learn quickly enouhg :-)

Your idea sounds great, Wolf Knight!

Maybe do a before (with the playmo workers)/after picture where the after is Playmorized??

Just brainstorming!

Love those brainstorms of yours Gis!!

Offline skypurr

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« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2010, 21:31:14 »
Thanks for that - there are some good ideas, what I need first though is a name for the Playmo event.
Any more ideas?

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Offline Gis

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« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2010, 21:37:12 »
Here is a none serious suggestion:

Playmoville: when the clickies take over!

Seriously though, is there a possible play on words with playmobil and the town name?

Offline skypurr

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« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2010, 22:27:22 »

Seriously though, is there a possible play on words with playmobil and the town name?

The village is called Kirkbean  (other than Klickies at Kirkbean I can't think of anything and a lot of people wouldn't know what klickies were!)

          A house is not a home without a cat (or two).

Offline Gis

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« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2010, 22:34:31 »
Top left corner picture of a klicky with a text balloon saying "Hello, my name is Klicky!"

And then you can do something with "The Village of Klickbean"

Offline Gepetto

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« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2010, 04:21:37 »
Hello Elaine,

Is there a central theme to the dioramas or any other displays or activities going on? Could you have a picture coloring table for the kiddies that tie in with the dioramas?  ???