I think the new can be improved only in modern themes! As Gordon points out for the fire trucks and he rescue helicopters...
I believe too, as Richard has pointed out, that the later US cavalry were far better than the older ones. The western houses too... If you look at the earlier ones you'll see that they would only fit a klicky standing, your hand could not even get in there without knocking everything down...whereas the golden nugget saloon and the newer sheriff's office had an opening on them so that it would be easier to play....but you could not build two or three story houses as you could with the first ones... So you see, one improvement, one disadvantage...
I believe the first fairy tale castle 3019, and the sets that went with it, was much better than the second one 4250... Firstly it had more floors, secondly it had more rooms and more impressive details...look at the differences between the 3020 bedroom and the 4253 one...
The first bed is so impressive!! With the curtains and the crown!!! The second one is so simple...
The pirate ships got better...and then again the become worse... its really not easy to talk about pirates because the ships were simple (3050, 3053, 3750) and suddenly we have the impressive pirate flagship 3286...and then again the greatly big in size, but disfunctional 4290.... The first pirate island was fantastic (the little cave that run up a tunnel which ended up at the other side of the island
) but the lagoons were not so great...the cave was substituted with the system x rotating rock...which was cool as a secret cave but did not give the feeling of a real mystery...
Finally, I think both pirate and medieval klickies progressed tremendously!!! I really love the newer print on torsos and the accessories but the castles are becoming less appealing... they surely stand out as a single set, and that is probably the reason for producing them that way, but not being able to connect all of them to something bigger, its quite limiting for us castle lovers!!
So I think new and improved applies only to modern themes!!!