From the top:
Yes Richard, I am the same Dan who is on GW-PC.
Yes Sir Gareth, I have your cat in a castle as my wallpaper.
I'm married with 2 grown up children and 2 demented cats.
Those who've read all this before on GW - PC can switch off now.
My interest in military history mainly, but not exclusively. Britain's and the British Empire. However I've a fair collection of Confederate klickies, a lot of Vikings (& the ship which I got cheap in a closing down sale) and some Romans too.
I like to convert figures and I took up converting klickies because being bigger they're easier to paint and they are simply more "fun" than metal model soldiers!
Also, model soldier makers can take themselves very very seriously indeed at times (I may get expelled from the British Model Soldier Society for that).
Talking of societies, I'm also newsletter editor for a group of loonies called the Victorian Military Society (shameless plug for our website -
I have finished my first conversion (a Penninsular War rifleman) and I'm now starting on some knights - basically leaving the figures themselves alone but repainting the shields with "real" heraldry - and a medieval archer. I'm also a member of the Heraldry Society but one website plug is enough.
I work very slowly and only when the fancy takes me so four converted figures a year would be a lot for me.
Finally, I adore De Warren's American War of Independence figures.