Author Topic: So, what do your family/friends/colleagues think about your hobby?  (Read 6186 times)

Offline Indianna

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. . . .Besides , spending money on Playmo is a good investment . . .

You are so right, Michael!  There are so few "collectibles" which inspire so much creativity as well as being a satisfying hobby while the objects themselves still retain a lot of monetary value (sometimes even increasing in value.)   :)
U.S.A.      Massachusetts

Offline playmo1989

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That's the spirit

Besides , spending money on Playmo is a good investment

@Lindama , show your husband some dioramas maybe he'll change a bit his thoughts

 yes it is !!!! you can sell them the same price you bought them or more 8-)
The spirits rule !!!!

Offline Gustavo

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To parents it's as natural to them as it is to me. (As I returned to collect, in 2008, they took it very easily ... They like playmobil, maybe they'd collect themselves, if they were more childlike people.) And they like my work with photostories (a little stopped, now :-[ -- will "soon" be back in business, as soon as I get a job ...).
(It's a good way to "educate" my mom, in order to give her limits in giving me money. As an only child, they, specially her, tend to wish to give me everything, and, as I got without a job, she helps me with my bills -- not too many, once I live with them. I found out that she has a good sense of limits, and understands that I am not supposed to spend money with playmobil while I'm without a job. Whenever she wishes to give me more money than I actually need, I tell her "if you give me, I'll spend all the extra in playmobil"[, which I eventually did, twice], and she [now] understands I [(really)] mean "don't give me more than I need", and she keeps to the amounts I say I need ...)

Two of my closest friends always thought it funny in a good way (never made any weird faces, rather admiration, and "wow, this looks really interesting" as much as I respect their own pastimes (one of them is football fan ... a real fan ... that's okay, not for me, but it's something he likes, and that makes him happy).

I think I can remind _one_ girl who gave a weird look, as though she was thinking "whoa! ... this is one sick fellow!", but maybe it was a judgement of the way she looked at my stuff, once I showed everyone a few bits in a pub -- I always have playmo with me ... not only the klicky Godfrey Playperson ( but a list of bits as well, in a box (for glasses, with a zipper).

Nobody ever (dared :hmm: ) say anything negative, up to this day.

This is an interesting question, by the way ... :) (Makes us think ...)


« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 17:11:31 by Gustavo »

Offline CountBogro

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Well, I guess nearly everyone knows it by now. it's rather hard to miss though - there's an entire shelf dedicated to it in our living room and a display cabinet as well with all the specials. I've got about 10 klickies on top of my desktop at the office and about 6 keychains as well.
Hard to miss ...

Most of them are interested - and have fond memories of playing with it.
Or tell that they preferred to play with Lego.

I never once had a negative reaction ...

... and then dusk came and brought despair.

Offline Gustavo

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(Oh, I have a keychain, too, Martin sent me one! :yup:

I call him Billy Vinegar, and he not always goes with me everywhere ...)

Offline surfergirl

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Great question Lindama,

Firstly my parents think it's crazy the amount of money I spend on certain items but overall are supportive as it was them that started it all by buying me a few sets when I was a kid :lol:

My Husband is very chilled about the 1200+ sets in my favourite room...I had the collection before I met him :love: so he knows he'd be wasting his time trying to change me.

My friends have seen my collection when they've been at the house and mostly it reminds them of their own childhood when they too had Playmobil...then they wish they'd kept it when they hear some of the values of sets.

My colleagues are fascinated by it. A couple of them have been to the house and one has admitted he wishes my collection was his. I've taken photos into work for the others and they are amazed...mostly they had underestimated the size of it all...I think when they heard Playmobil room they thought of a small room with the odd Playmobil figure, which is not the case 8}

Often I am asked why I collect and I can't give an answer except to say that I don't want to stop. I cannot envisage ever selling any of it so they wonder what the point is. I don't want children so it's not an heirloom. The fact is my collection makes me happy and so that is reason enough for my friends and family to accept. ;)

Claire  :wave:

I wish I lived in Germany!

Offline flatcat

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I've taken photos into work for the others and they are amazed...mostly they had underestimated the size of it all...I think when they heard Playmobil room they thought of a small room with the odd Playmobil figure, which is not the case 8}

Where are these pictures Claire, we still haven't seen them :lens:

Offline CountBogro

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Yeah ... you're right, flatcat ...

where are all those pictures ??

... and then dusk came and brought despair.

Offline WarriorOfToys

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    • Come check out my Playmobil movies!

My family thinks I'm crazy,
My Mom thinks I am just being me and there is nothing she can do,
but never seems to want to talk with me about them... :P

My Dad is not that big on them, but gave up on trying to "detox" me from them when he saw just how hooked I was and that mom was on my side! ;D

My 1st sister thinks I am nuts, and would destroy them if she could, but knows that I would wreak the most disasterus punishment upon her if I found any of my Playmo missing... >:D

My 2nd sister likes them and was set on collecting a few of them...
But her collection never really came to be and I mostly sucked all of her Playmo into my collection.
(Except the modern stuff...)

My friends are split on the matter...
One of my friends agrees with my 1st sister, she hates them till the end of time! :(

But my other two friends (I have so many... :lol: ) Are in total agreement with me.
One is an avid collector himself,
And the other is trying to jumpstart his collection.
We all love Wargaming with eachother,
(Though the avid collector has grown into collecting more rather then playing)
And one time when I first started recollecting Playmobil we had all three play in a big battle where their larger force assaulted my castle.

My friend and I are engaged in a battle at the moment,
Though we have left it for several days we will meet soon and finish it. (I will upload the images soon... :) )

And that is what people think of my collection. ;D
Steck is BACK! <:>

Offline Wolf Knight

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Wish i had friends like yours WoT!!!!  8-) 8-)