Author Topic: So, what do your family/friends/colleagues think about your hobby?  (Read 5508 times)

Offline Lindama

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Tell me, what does everyone who knows about your love of Playmobil think about this strange obsession?

I announced at work that I planned on collecting Sid Dickens Memory Blocks and Playmobil and got a few odd looks. A bit of an odd combo I suppose  ;D

Whist I have lots of Playmobil I only have 2 memory blocks...look which item won!

My husband thinks I am mad and hates all the little bits all over the place.
One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other.
    Jane Austen, Emma


Offline Gis

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Some of our close friends know but then again we've been doing it for so long they accept it. We both haven't told work yet. Who knows if we will or not.

Eventually now that we have decided to GO for it. It will naturally spread more but we are not going to push it.

Offline cachalote

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with mixed feelings but most of the times they like it.  :hmm: :love:
my wife just gets mad sometimes that there are still alot of cardboard boxes going around the house (i can't just find enough time to finish painting my custom-made-playmo-only cabinet).
my step-son tends to ignore the subject (he's now 12 and decided that computers is the thing for him).
my baby-son (10 months) loves them and tries to grab all the samll pirates lying around in shelves whenever he can (he started to crawl a week ago).
for the rest of the people, most of them have no courage to ask me why i collect playmo-pirates and i never felt that i should explain (maybe actually i can't).
    honni soit qui mal y pense

Offline Bill Blackhurst

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I think they want to know when I'll grow up :lol:,....never I say :no:! My wife doesn't like the funding I dedicate to my obsession :hissyfit:, or the multiples of particular items :-\!
  Forget about all of the other stuff,....all we need is the reintroduction of the 3526 Fire Engine!

Offline Gepetto

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My wife doesn't like the funding I dedicate to my obsession :hissyfit:, or the multiples of particular items :-\!

 :yup: :yup: :yup:   Then I remind her she started it and things settle down for a bit. I told a Warhammer associate who said "Aren't they for little kids?" and went back to painting his bloodletter of Khorne figures.  ???

Offline socrates

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Hmm, almost everyone knows...
...but then again I am a computer guy by training, so maybe they are happy that I am not obsessive with other socially more disturbing things. ;)

On the other hand, I do know some serious collectors that hide their whole collection.  :-\
I think, I am happy that I do not have the pressure to hide my collection (what would not be possible anyway).

Ohh, and most friends of my son are purely amazed and think, we must be unbelievably rich...
...because their parents always say: "No, we can't get this box, it's too expensive, we don't have this money!"

"Just living is not enough," said the butterfly, "one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."
— Hans Christian Andersen

Offline Wolf Knight

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Well, my parents think I have serious psychological issues and try to find out what went wrong with my childhood....
My girlfriend loves playmobil, and shares my passion, but she does not agree with spending so much money on playmobil...
My brother is furious (I work for him) because he sees almost all the money he pays me for doing my job as his money being thrown away in toys...
My friends are happy that I have a hobby like that and they would be interested to have a similar one just to get away from reality and everyday life...they also think that i have to draw a line somewhere...
Finally my colleagues are openminded and keep giving me ideas of new creations but also keep telling me that I have to do something professionaly with playmobil...only trouble is...what???

Offline playmo1989

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always the negative things to say from all my family and friends about the a lot amound of money i spend on playmobil and if there is a problem with me , i avoid to tell to strangers but if i do they all look like  :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: who cares  :cham: makes my happy and satisfied that is all it matters!!!!
The spirits rule !!!!

Offline macgayver

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always the negative things to say from all my family and friends about the a lot amound of money i spend on playmobil and if there is a problem with me , i avoid to tell to strangers but if i do they all look like  :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: who cares  :cham: makes my happy and satisfied that is all it matters!!!!

That's the spirit

Besides , spending money on Playmo is a good investment

@Lindama , show your husband some dioramas maybe he'll change a bit his thoughts
One picture say's more then a thousand words ;)

Offline Daniela

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I have not much trouble with my collecting. FORTUNATELY!

My husband loves it! He is a collecter himself (tin figures, most toysoldiers)
My family is shaking heads and worries about my money, but when I am shown with my collection in the newspapers or on TV or exhibition, the are very proud.
My friends can´t stop coming and looking at the new dioramas, I am working on.
My little nephews come to play, when ever they can.
And at work is a little head shaking, too, but they are all girls and in the end they mean, it´s all so sweeeeet.

I am talking about my collection, whenever I want and most times feedback is positive.
So don´t care and go on!

Best wishes,
Enjoy my Playmobil Opera and much more: