its a great idea WoT, by next summer i will have a 100m2 garage free to set things in it etc , For me all my klickies today are in a storage area of about 35m2 outside athens which is dust free, secure, shelves all round and has approx 20m2 free area with elevated surfaces but thats not enough even for my mediaval city !!! Let me give it some more thought, if i move all my collections to the garage by next summer , means i will have to set new huge surface areas there, improved lighting , new long shelves for all my collections , dust collection machines ( currently where my playmos are is 100% dust free ) and i will have a higher risk for flooding ( though there is an entrance water entrapment with pump ) as its a garage below ground level . Anyways , my playmobil collection boxed for transport fill a lorry now and all the above mentioned costs and transport equall probably a couple of thousands of euros that i have to think if prefer spending in buyin more klickies .. let me give it some serious thought as a fair amount of money is involved .. A great idea though , imagive if i have created a 60m2 elevated area with all my mediaval city and armies, the big forrest and vikings , and on the other side all the pyramids, romans etc etc , awwwwwwwwwwwww
That's cool Giorginetto,
If we can't do it at Playmobil Hellas, it is great to know we have another place.
But I was hoping we could do it at the Playmobil FnPark for these reasons:
1- It could get more people interested in Playmobil.
2- It could show Playmobil Hellas (not to mention perhaps the rest of Playmobil) that the collectors are very real, and worth quite a profit.
3- There has been lots of talk about a Playmobil/Collectors hosted event that could strengthen our bonds with Geobra
And show that we are as willing to do this are the are. This could be on such event.
That is what I was suggesting. But if Playmobil Hellas doesn't agree,
I think it would be great to do it in your garage.
(Though there may be a problem with space, as we are trying to fit over 500 Playmobil in it,
And have enough room to maneuver. Which (believe me), can require a lot of room...)