sort of the first funny part of the movie i posted the woman comes to the court and they ask for her name she says" kathrin"(not a greek name at the 60's in greece they thought it was in fasion to make their names in the english version)the judge doesn't understand that and asks for her name again she say's it in greek and then asks for her age first says 23 then 25 after 31 by forcing a bit out of subject but it is funny
the story in a quick translation
Mary lives happily with her husband, Nick, as the day's close friend, Lily, asks her to borrow for a little car. In fact, Lily, who is married to the jealous Michalakis, has an illicit rendezvous with her new crush, the Paki. Going to meet him, suffers an accident. When you return the car, Mary finds it Crashed on many points. But to defend the reputation of her friend and to cover both the marriage of mischief, Mary is forced to lie to Nick. One lie, but brings another and the consequences are unpredictable