This is my first review so I'm not sure whether it'll be that good or not, but here goes.....
This is a review for set no. 4848- the yellow temple guard, and set no. 4849- the blue temple guard!
They seem to fit the elements rock and ice, don't they?
If you take the arm protectors and helmets off, it is revealed that they look like some normal klickies protected in armour!
They are armed with some sort of crystalized axe! These weapons have a button on them, and if that button is pressed......
They light up in the dark! Cool, huh?
Now, quite a while back, some of you were wondering what the big deal with these really tall legs were. Well I managed to get the back off so you could see what's inside...
Unfortunately, the outer casing is the klicky's actual legs and there are no normal klicky's legs inside.
Without the helmets, these klickies are both about eight and a half centimetres tall, compared to a normal klicky which is about six and a half centimetres tall. With the helmets the yellow "rock" klicky is about nine centimetres tall, while the blue "ice" klicky is a good nine and a half centimetres.
The guards remind me of golems. As wikipedia says... - In Jewish folklore, a golem is an animated anthropomorphic being created entirely from inanimate matter.
But I'm sure you all knew that already!