In another thread we were talking about finding PlaymoFriend topics on Google. sparked the memory of how I met all of you guys,
So I decided to tell you all exsacly how I came to this wonderful forum.

I would also enjoy hearing other's stories on how they came here.
Here is mine:
I remember it like it was only a few weeks ago... Well, it was!

I was looking at Macguyvers Medieval page (And nearly fell out of my chair... several times)
I then wanted to find other people's Playmobil "blogs" and see their collections,
But specifically I wanted to see if anyone else fought with their Playmobil, as I did.
So I started searching, Playmobil fights and other things like that.
It only produced a bunch of YouTube videos which is how I got intrested in stop motion films...
(buts that's a story for another time)
Anyway, I decided to look up "Playmobil War" and an intresting link caught my eye...
It was a link to a Playmobil "War Game"... Intruiged I klicked it and thought it was a forum for legos due to Es Jedi's avatar,
But I decided to explore anyway.
I was shocked at the size of his army, and also the way he played!
(Which was very different then my way of playing, and a much better way too.)
I watched in total astonishment as the battle folded out infront of me. I was very sad when it was over as I though it was the only battle at that website...
I am not very good with computers so I couldn't quite figure out the forum thing.
I left the website to go searcing for more battles but did not succed in finding any,
Disheartened I abandoned the search, but a few days later I began to wonder if that really was the ONLY battle on that website... So I again began the search trying to re-find the battle and hopefuly the rest of the website.
I looked up Garden Wargame and came to Richard's wonderful site.
I explored it for DAYS looking at all the battles, I hardly even knew there were any other sections to the forum!

When I finished with those

I was again very sad, but decided to look at the rest of the forum.
I was shocked and amazed at so many of the customs and began attempting to customize and paint men.
I was intrested in joining which of course lead me here!
I joined shortly after I recoved from shock.
(The shock of knowing that there are others, LOTS of others just like me who loved Playmobil and had HUGE collections of them!) I am so glad that that one afternoon lead me all the way here.
I feel priviledged to have met you all.

And that's
my story on how I got here.