Author Topic: How I came here...  (Read 5046 times)

Offline WarriorOfToys

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How I came here...
« on: May 05, 2010, 02:21:37 »
In another thread we were talking about finding PlaymoFriend topics on Google.
That sparked the memory of how I met all of you guys,
So I decided to tell you all exsacly how I came to this wonderful forum. :)
I would also enjoy hearing other's stories on how they came here.
Here is mine:

I remember it like it was only a few weeks ago... Well, it was! :lol:
I was looking at Macguyvers Medieval page (And nearly fell out of my chair... several times)
I then wanted to find other people's Playmobil "blogs" and see their collections,
But specifically I wanted to see if anyone else fought with their Playmobil, as I did.

So I started searching, Playmobil fights and other things like that.
It only produced a bunch of YouTube videos which is how I got intrested in stop motion films...
(buts that's a story for another time)
Anyway, I decided to look up "Playmobil War" and an intresting link caught my eye...
It was a link to a Playmobil "War Game"...
Intruiged I klicked it and thought it was a forum for legos due to Es Jedi's avatar,
But I decided to explore anyway.

I was shocked at the size of his army, and also the way he played!
(Which was very different then my way of playing, and a much better way too.)
I watched in total astonishment as the battle folded out infront of me. I was very sad when it was over as I though it was the only battle at that website...
I am not very good with computers so I couldn't quite figure out the forum thing.

I left the website to go searcing for more battles but did not succed in finding any,
Disheartened I abandoned the search, but a few days later I began to wonder if that really was the ONLY battle on that website... So I again began the search trying to re-find the battle and hopefuly the rest of the website.
I looked up Garden Wargame and came to Richard's wonderful site.
I explored it for DAYS looking at all the battles, I hardly even knew there were any other sections to the forum! ;)

When I finished with those 8} I was again very sad, but decided to look at the rest of the forum.
I was shocked and amazed at so many of the customs and began attempting to customize and paint men.
I was intrested in joining which of course lead me here!

I joined shortly after I recoved from shock. ;)
(The shock of knowing that there are others, LOTS of others just like me who loved Playmobil and had HUGE collections of them!) I am so glad that that one afternoon lead me all the way here.
I feel priviledged to have met you all. :wave:

And that's my story on how I got here. :)
Steck is BACK! <:>

Offline Gepetto

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Re: How I came here...
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2010, 02:43:43 »
That's a nice story WarriorOfToys, thank you for sharing it with us!  :wave: It is very similar to how I came to the forum, except I was just looking for more information on Playmobil having come from Warhammer (at my wife's insistence) and being amazed at the versatility of the figures plus they didn't painting and were cheaper! Glad you found us and happier still that you joined!  :wave:


Offline Wolf Knight

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Re: How I came here...
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2010, 05:39:02 »
Great story WoT!!! Very similar to my own!!! I was looking for customization technics and ideas and i also wanted to share my collection and ideas with others...Thus a quick google search in playmobil forum showed me the way to playmofriends!!! So here I am!!!

Offline Bill Blackhurst

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Re: How I came here...
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2010, 13:31:51 »
It's great to have such a dedicated surge of newbies with us! To our newest members, you have become an important element in our membership! Your fresh ideas, contributions, enthusiasm, & rediscovery of past discussions are a valuable asset to this dedicated Playmobil forum! It's great to have you all with us :)9!
  Forget about all of the other stuff,....all we need is the reintroduction of the 3526 Fire Engine!

Offline Wolf Knight

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Re: How I came here...
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2010, 14:04:37 »
It's great to have such a dedicated surge of newbies with us! To our newest members, you have become an important element in our membership! Your fresh ideas, contributions, enthusiasm, & rediscovery of past discussions are a valuable asset to this dedicated Playmobil forum! It's great to have you all with us :)9!

Thank you Bill!! Its great being here!!! We have the older members' initial ideas and projects to build upon and expand further the spirit of this forum!!! :wave: :wave: :wave:

Offline playmofire

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Re: How I came here...
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2010, 15:23:43 »
Thank you WoT for telling us your story and, as with all the recent new members, it's great to have you here.  :wave:
“Today well-lived makes every yesterday a day of happiness to remember and every tomorrow a vision of hope.”

Offline playmo1989

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Re: How I came here...
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2010, 16:51:35 »
i saw playmofriends from Garden Wargaming and i registered to answer some questions i may have for playmo!!!!1 ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
The spirits rule !!!!

Offline WarriorOfToys

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Re: How I came here...
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2010, 03:22:19 »
It's great to have such a dedicated surge of newbies with us! To our newest members, you have become an important element in our membership! Your fresh ideas, contributions, enthusiasm, & rediscovery of past discussions are a valuable asset to this dedicated Playmobil forum! It's great to have you all with us :)9!

Thanks Bill, but I am glad that there are older members here too!
You are all the people who lead us to customize and helped us along the way.
Steck is BACK! <:>

Offline UnaSigne

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Re: How I came here...
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2010, 16:56:27 »
I bought my first Playmobil about 1999, when my eldest son was about 3.  I fell in love with the smiley faces and the different series, but I think what impressed me most was the quality of the product.  In the mass production society, so many companies have compromised the integrity of their products by using less expensive ingredients.  I really felt that Playmobil had a commitment to the quality of their toys.
By nature, I love anything that has lots of components and accessories.  I am a sorter and a catagorizer, so Playmobil gives me a lot of things to sort and catagorize.
I think Playmobil puts a lot of thought into the production of their pieces.  I love to see a piece from some obscure set come back into circulation.  I have trouble with some of the new sets, especially the ones I see being produced for US circulation only, because I think they are made to be more complete as a unit and don't fit well being integrated into very many other sets.  (Steck, for example, vs. the 5840  Why oh why didn't they put a way to connect it to either steck or system x?!)
So, all that said, I have very few people in my world that I would admit to the fact that I have completely taken over the toy collections that used to be my children and am now obsessed with that toy.  I have found that I really like being in a community of people that share this interest.  I love to see what people are doing, how they use their toy, how they clean or repair them and the customs that are made.  It's fun, it's harmless and it's international.

Offline Wolf Knight

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Re: How I came here...
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2010, 18:29:22 »
I bought my first Playmobil about 1999, when my eldest son was about 3.  I fell in love with the smiley faces and the different series, but I think what impressed me most was the quality of the product.  In the mass production society, so many companies have compromised the integrity of their products by using less expensive ingredients.  I really felt that Playmobil had a commitment to the quality of their toys.
By nature, I love anything that has lots of components and accessories.  I am a sorter and a catagorizer, so Playmobil gives me a lot of things to sort and catagorize.I think Playmobil puts a lot of thought into the production of their pieces.  I love to see a piece from some obscure set come back into circulation.  I have trouble with some of the new sets, especially the ones I see being produced for US circulation only, because I think they are made to be more complete as a unit and don't fit well being integrated into very many other sets.  (Steck, for example, vs. the 5840  Why oh why didn't they put a way to connect it to either steck or system x?!)
So, all that said, I have very few people in my world that I would admit to the fact that I have completely taken over the toy collections that used to be my children and am now obsessed with that toy.  I have found that I really like being in a community of people that share this interest.  I love to see what people are doing, how they use their toy, how they clean or repair them and the customs that are made.  It's fun, it's harmless and it's international.

The higlited bold line describes me as well!!! And you feelings in your last paragraph reflect my feelings UnaSigne!!!!!