This article was published in a Greek newspaper on the 29th of april!!!
I am just giving you two of the most important paragrpahs... this is a free translation, as i do not have the time to translate right now exactly so please forgive any wrong syntax or use of words...but i think you'll get the meaning...
''In periods of crisis all sorts of the human brain owes to move itself. We chose those cases where the briliance in difficult times not only showed its marvel, but also maintained it up to today. From the champagne [Ntom] [Perinion] to plastic Playmobil klickies, from the books of pocket up to the cheap agglomerate that opened the street in industrial colossuses of production and the use of cheap, utilitarian furnitures of “[IKEA]” type, from all it has the innovative ideas. We present some from them.''
''The champagne was devised in 1670. made its appearance in 1895, in the years of phylloxera''
''Playmobil was devised in the petrolic crisis of 1970
And however, the petrolic crisis 1970 could have reached even in those childishly rooms that were full with big plastic toys. The rise of prices in raw material imposed the need for more limited use of plastic, and with this thought in his brain Hans Beck of company Brandstätter created the known children's figure that as long as it lost in cost, it gained in popularity. In the middle of crisis, the likeable weaklings that fitted in a children's hand exceeded toys as the wasteful in raw material like the hula hoop and remained precious for decades.''