Thanks for these awesome pics, Richard !!! I never new such custom klickies existed. I am a big enthusiast of sci fi and related material and i strongly believe that Playmobil is missing out from not trying something along the LEGO lines ( thourh perhaps the deal between George Lucas and LEGO was excusivity as a star wars toy line apart from Hasbro - action figures etc etc ..) . Without a doubt Star Wars saved Lego all together , the technology and moulds Playmobil uses means so much more can be achieved , can you just imagive a huge playmo deathstar
, x wings and tie fighters
, millenium falcon
, bobba fet
, R2D2
, 3PO, lighsabres , etc etc aawwwww i forgot to propose this for the meeting though surely playmobil has thought of it i am sure ...... An army of klicky stormtroopers....
And the other think i want to see Playmobil making ( apart from Greeks, Star Wars , Roman houses and market , new western city, bringing back nuremberg guards, pirate ships with two storey cannon decks etc etc ) is a Playmobil Porsche 911 ... They did it with the BMW Z4, Playmobil should make the iconic 911 fit the klickies , the shape and heritage of the 911 would be an instant success and a classic ..