thanks a lot for all comments, it´s very kind and I´m happy to read that you like this building
...... What sets did you use to make it? .....
I can´t say exactly witsh sets I use to made this building. I have a lot of marvellous palate, Church, System-X sets and I buy some liste of pieces by DS (Direkt Service in Germany), expositions or sunday markets.
...... can you show us the inside as well? the ligting is the playmobil lighting??
please show us the inside
I can show you inside but it is empty, completly empty. What I like is architecture of building.
A light is just (low voltage) a chritmas light chaine. Playmobil lighting is sure beautiful but they are very expensive and not better to give a effect I recherch.
For information, I don´t finish a back side of building because I havn´t still enough pieces. Finish are the right and left sides outside, no more, I´m sorry.
...... every time it used to rain alot the whole classroom was filed with water i hope you don't have the same problem
The roof is good. If you want any solution to the corner (in and out), you can take a look at tutotial I made for this. The explanations are simply and you need just some simply tools.
Link to tutorial:
http://www.tricornejock.com/Tutoriels.html (French language).
That is one beautiful building that the Playmobil City Fire, Police, & EMS Departments would be proud to protect !
You got here before me, Bill, but CHVFB will also provide protection.
Thanks for a protection, I notice and will call you if happens anything wrong
Tricornejack >>> Tricornej