The 4821 pump has been reviewed in detail the story of the extra 4821 from the toyshop has been told here are details on the deployment and equipping of the two new pumps in the revised brigade.
These two pumps will be the main pumps and will run as CH/1 (first away) and CH/2. They are equipped as pump/rescue units so can tackle fires and road traffic incidents. However, they are slightly different in their equipment, as the photos show.
The external differences can be seen in the first photo. CH/1 is on the right and is fitted with two double extension ladders on the roof, has no water monitor and the giraffe lights are fitted on the rear, right door. It also has a winch stored on the roof at the moment prior to fitting to the front of the machine. Both vehicles will have a front-mounted winch. CH/2 doesn't carry any rescue ladders but has the water monitor fitted. The giraffe light is fitted on the roof and a hose reel attached to the right, rear door.
The equipment carried internally is the same for both except that CH/1 will carry two internally fitted hose reels and a CAFS hose reel jet, while CH/2 will have only one internally fitted hose reel and no CAFS hose reel jet, but will carry four containers of foam concentrate in place of the second internal hose reel (photo 2).
There has also been a change to equipment carried compared with the review report. Neither will carry the PPV fan and instead will have a different right hand side front locker arrangement in its place. This will consist of three vertical storage units containing (from bottom to top) small gear (i.e. hand tools and axe) plus a torch, 2 spare BA cylinders, and hose connectors and related equipment. (Photo 3)