I was just thinking that maybe people on here are missing a key element of your treasure hunting - the history, people, culture, sights, environment and weather!
People over here pay extravagent amounts of money to visit tourist traps there and you get to explore the out of the way areas. Maybe a picture (or few!) from each treasure hunt would be in order for those of us who are dreading the approach of winter and -40 degree temperatures.
If I visit another town that has anything interesting to see, or encounter an interestinc place while getting there, I'll take a pic. Otherwise, its only driving through the traffic jam in a dense 7,338.8/km2 (19,007.4/sq mi) poputated area of a 790,824 people, where all sites to see are like a distant blurr in an anxiety race. Not many toyshops are left in town and the few that remain are scattered around in different areas. And those have nothing interesting to see, just packed blocks of flats, or big empty plots of land and abandoned industrial buildings.