Perhaps it's because of my job, but from experience I know that if you involve too many people for the initial decision taking you will end up nowhere. To start something you should do this with as few people as possible and then gradually take into account the ideas/remarks from other people to fine-tune the contest...
A set of rules I suggest:
WHO...1. can participate: everyone that is member of playmofriends
2. can vote: everyone that is member of playmofriends and can vote only once (can this be monitored?)
3. the winner of a contest is asked not to participate the next two contests/months in order to give also other people a chance (we know that there are experts that can win every contest, but it should be fun for everybody)
WHAT (pictures)...4. should not be solely playmobil, but should at least contain playmobil
5. can be digitally enhanced (DE), but it's not a must, except when the contest prescibes it. The same goes for non-DE. This rule suggests that you can have dedicated DE or non-DE contests during the year.
6. the organizer can propose a certain theme depending on certain events (e.g. Tsunami, Pakistan, friendship, solidarity, etc.) or time of the year (holidays, x-mas, eastern, spring, summer, fall, winter, etc.)...
7. should NOT contain any explicit scenes
WHEN...8. monthly competition with
end-of-year final (EOY)9. pictures can be posted first week of the month
10. voting can take place during two weeks
11. winning pictures will NOT appear on homepage (since all pictures will appear on homepage making use of a random rotation scheme - linked to the contest sub-forum), but all contests will be grouped in a special contest sub-forum in order to have a clear overview.
PURPOSE12. having a monthly top-3 that will participate in the EOY-contest.
13. maybe there is a price for the winning pictures in the EOY-contest.
DISCLAIMER14. participating pictures can be used,
after having permission of the owner, for purposes other than the contest, e.g. calendar or promotional flyers to promote the forum...
OK, this is already some stuff that certainly needs to be fine-tuned. It contains lots of input from this disccusion. If you agree/disagree I suggest that you quote the specific rule in your reply and that you give your remarks. It's also possible to introduce new rules... So, let's go for it
PS: I was thinking about some other contest where the ones who organize the contest are not allowed to participate themselves... Is this relevant for this contest?
PPS: Not that I'm planning to, but should anybody be able to participate with a picture that was already used in another contest (on another forum)?