When i think of digitally enhanced i see a picture that has anything extra or artificial added to it using Photo Shop. This means any 'artificial' bacgrounds or special effects such as flames, smoke, fog etc. There is a world of difference between creating flames in Photo Shop than compared to setting up real flames. This is where i think the two types of picture are quite different.
Ah, the can of worms is open. I was afraid of this. Some thoughts if you will:
1. The quote by Tim above is an nice one for folks to follow. Of couse film based photos can be lightened, resized, even cropped and yes, scannned, and so forth or they won't be online.
But there is world of difference between cropping a photo (digitally or with scissors!) and moving components about or adding things not originally there.
2. As for how people "vote" ...I'm sure it differs...but elsewhere all but 1 or 2 "winners" were photoshopped significantly. I've seen a simple photo of a couple of klickies with a "Monet" photo shop background win a prize (elsewhere) and that is bunk (IMHO).
3. As for dark room vs. editing software: Gordon, dear man, you are typically so wise but here you are a bit silly.
Consider...um...$100 bucks (software) vs. $3000 (for a simple darkroom
if one has space) + a few clicks vs. hours of work with chemicals. Not really the same thing I don't think. (And I know these costs having experimented with both.)
4. Who wins? Ok, how about bi-monthly "events" for the two types of photos (I do think we should let the customization issue wait a bit and not intrude on photography just yet) and at the end of the year folks can vote on the photos that should be in the calandar (the point of this exercise recall
). Both I and Hoppatussa have suggested this approach thus far.
5. I would hope (and desire) that film based and digital photographers could use this as a way to assist one another.
6. As for the competition aspect....this is always the biggest issue it seems and has ruined many contests.
Whatever happened to submitting your best because you wish to share it with others (and get some praise?) Or because you just took a great photo for the 1st time and are tickled pink (or blue for the hyper- macho among us) so you just want to show it off?
That said...for you "gotta win" types...How about you
win the honor of teaching a tutorial on how you made your fantastic photo?
Really, I mean, what could be a greater honor than having your work displayed and knowing it is appreciated and your technique is sought after by others? (Maybe Sylvia will also send you a certificate or something.) Serious artists in the offline world are often thrilled to have their works displayed regardless of plaques, ribbons, and such...and often give "master workshops" that recognize their talent.
7. Finally...I would really hope folks would consider this an effort to make a cool calandar (something novel) rather than a chance to one-up other people or other forums.
I'm not moderating here just now but I hope these comments help. - Diana