Growing up.

I was set up on a blind date by co-workers- who knew that actually can work? We met in a bar, just in case it was a disaster, hey, there's still beer!

It worked. Suddenly I had a "roommate" and 3rd cat.

Realizing I wasn't going to be satisfied forever in my current job, I started a master's degree program, while working full time- 3 years, Friday nights and Saturday mornings.

Yuck. But I had a piece of paper which said I am now entitled to be a therapist, and make very little money. It would be three more years before I would actually take a job which used that piece of paper.

Anyway, I got the degree, got married to Tracee, and lived happily ever after. Well, so far- the house didn't look like the one in the picture, it looked more like the photo of the shack a further up. But yeah, that was my life up to 2005. Later came mortgage, new job, and babies. But that's another story. Maybe I shoot it some day. Cheers!
