do like the castles, I just don't like the construction system they've chosen to adopt.

I don't like the fantasy multi-barreled siege engines in 4867 and 4868, but I like the figures in those sets. If they'd gone with realistic siege engines (when are we going to get a trebuchet?) I'd get 4 or 5 of each, but with the fantasy siege engines, just one of each to get the figures.
The fantasy screen in 4869 is not quite so bad, and can probably rendered reasonable by leaving off the metal spikes altogether.
The guns and figures in 4870 and 4872 are great and I'll get multiples of these. The 4874 Treasure Transport I'll want just one, as the same gun appears in 4871 which will be a multi-buy set.
Overall the figures are good (apart from the mad eyes) and the gunnes are a nice addition, but there's still a slight fantasy element in the siege engines that smack of copying Lego, Fisher Price, Mega Bloks or one of the many similar knock-offs. Mega Bloks, by the way, have a Dragons theme out which Playmobil's Dragon World bears a striking resemblance to.
http://www.megabrands.com/en/kids/dragons/It would be nice if Playmobil could get back to being a market leader rather than a market chaser.