This is so cool!

My two cents for improvement, even though I have to reveal that I also love the SysX-System...
We need to have an area for custom buildings, including instructions.
There are some buildings around that are so good they should be available...
(thinking of Barts Collectofun-Section for example:
Playmo could support with a software (I recall to have heard about them developing something like this anyway?!) with the following features:
- 3D builder for your constructions with all existing SysX- and Steck-Parts (e.g. roman houses)
- Redenring of building instructions (levelwise or something)
- Database to store amount and kind of pieces you have (maybe by logging in the sets you own)
- Automatically generating a list of missing parts
or (if the thing with the database is not feasible)
- Automatically generating a list of all parts used in the construction.
They could offer a section on their webpage devoted to these constructions, maybe as being part of the collectors club.

I would also like to second Martins suggestion about spare parts. They do not neccessarily have to make everything public. I would be already happy if there would be a possibility to inquire the availability (and price) of a piece by checking the part number online. Again, maybe a nice feature for the collectors club.
