Playmo could support with a software (I recall to have heard about them developing something like this anyway?!) with the following features:
- 3D builder for your constructions with all existing SysX- and Steck-Parts (e.g. roman houses)
- Redenring of building instructions (levelwise or something)
- Database to store amount and kind of pieces you have (maybe by logging in the sets you own)
- Automatically generating a list of missing parts
or (if the thing with the database is not feasible)
- Automatically generating a list of all parts used in the construction.
I love the idea of a software program for enthusiasts. It certainly would make the job
easier for the DS Customer Service reps - half of the time even they don't know the part numbers and it usually takes them forever to look them up! The DB is the most comprehensive tool for parts research that we have but, unfortunately, it is incomplete. Playmobil's database is incomplete, too. Even the Collector's Book is incomplete [p. 446 lists a number of sets with
as the number]. It's hard to believe they have NO info on those sets but.....
What I would find particularly useful is a "checklist" for sets - [again, the DB is helpful but incomplete]. I am certain that Playmobil has assigned a product number for
every little bit that comes off the factory floor, but often those numbers are elusive; especially where colour variations come in to play. Some of them may be lost forever, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to re-assign those unknown parts numbers!
An easy form for cataloging pieces would be a Godsend!!!! Cuffs: 3 pr. red, 4 pr. black, 1 pr. green, 2 pr. white, furry, 1 pr. brown scalloped edge etc.
Then we have neckware -
- can't even begin there! How many different safety cones are there? I think everyone gets the picture. I actually think that would ultimately be the MOST valuable tool they could offer - hell, I might even pay for something like that -
- with my pot o' gold!!!!
I also think that it is a bit greedy and not very good or wise business practice for Playmobil to charge for building plans.... I am sure they are in a huge database, so they can easily pull the needed plans and email them. The amount we spend on this stuff is, in some cases, obscene and I would like to think the management understands that life happens and when the cat pukes all over the grocery store building instructions it isn't really my fault!!!! Usually I have already bought the set [typically at a cost of $100+] and think they really should provide those free of charge. Even if it was an eBay acquisition, they can only benefit from my quick assessment of parts and potential DS order!
In the end, I think most of us would be willing to pay a nominal fee [$15 - $25] each year for DIRECT access to their databases! And, as an added bonus to their devoted fan/collector base who pay the fee, throw in a unique, exclusive set or two!
Great suggestion Socrates!