Author Topic: NüRNBERG TOY FAIR  (Read 6399 times)

Offline Justindo

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« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2010, 02:18:47 »
Thanks for the link, Richard!

Has it been confirmed that these new castles are not System X?  When first looking at them, I thought they were System X but with some very large pieces.  If they're not System X, I may not buy them, as I like to customize as many of my buildings as possible.
:egypt: :roman: :viking: :knight: :arrr: :indian: :cowboy:

Offline Elric

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« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2010, 23:38:36 »
I'm no expert on system x but is that three system x connectors next to the rocks on the tower?

Offline Richard

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« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2010, 00:57:34 »

I'm no expert on system x but is that three system x connectors next to the rocks on the tower?

Hello, Elric ...

It would seem that someone would have seen the new castles by now. And, it is difficult to believe that someone hasn't posted somewhere whether or not 4865 and 4866 are SystemX or something else.

Originally, it looked like these two new castles might have been SystemX. However, they now look like that they may actually be the "faux steck" that Geobra has been using lately ...

see attachments

Offline Martin Milner

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« Reply #13 on: March 07, 2010, 01:41:56 »
I see the holes Elric, but they're not in a place that previous system X castles have had holes. That does beg the question, what are they there for?

Richard's close-ups convince me even more that this is a Clip system castle, like the Spanish lighthouse. It's suprisingly badly connected with gaps visible between the pieces. I wonder if they did that so they could easily take it apart again?  :lol: I also notice the tower tops are no longer one piece like the System X tower tops, there are gaps visible there too.

Nota also that the Clip system can still sometimes incorporate System X connections, e.g. to hold the torch brackets in place, but the main connections between large pieces have changed.

I like the shapes of these castles, and I think it would be possible to expand and modify them, but it's going to require yet more pieces of clip system castle to do it. I really wish they'd done these in System X (or better, Steck) as I have plenty of spare System X I could have used to extend straight sections, and the new angled corners.  8}

It's a shame they never managed a full round tower in System X. Round towers have been popular for centuries, as they're stronger against undermining and wall-busting missiles.

Here's the keep of Rochester Castle in SE England. One corner was undermined and toppled during a siege by King John (he of the Magna Carta), by digging a tunnel propped up with timbers. They then stuffed the tunnel full of dead pigs and set them on fire. As the pigs burnt (nice and fatty) they burnt out the props, and hey presto, toppling tower.

When the keep was repaired they rebuilt the toppled towers round!

« Last Edit: March 07, 2010, 01:55:30 by Martin Milner »

Offline Elric

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« Reply #14 on: March 07, 2010, 02:59:44 »
I'm waiting on theses castles instead of getting the dragon castles.  I will save a little money that way.

Offline WarriorOfToys

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« Reply #15 on: March 07, 2010, 03:44:55 »
Really neat story Martin!
And Bacon saved the day! :lol:

I too will wait to see those new castles,
hopefully someone will be able to confirm whether they are faux steck, or system X...
Steck is BACK! <:>

Offline Justindo

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« Reply #16 on: March 07, 2010, 04:47:58 »
Based on Richard's picture, I think it's pretty clear that these new castles are not System X but the new clip system, which stinks.  As Martin points out, the execution looks terrible with large gaps and those stupid clip holes.  This is a shame, because I actually like the looks of these castles in a lot of ways, especially the gatehouse and the tall keep.  I guess Playmobil has abandoned System X just as they did Steck.  I agree with Martin that it's a shame Playmobil never made a System X round tower.  Who knew Playmobil fans would long for the days of System X?
:egypt: :roman: :viking: :knight: :arrr: :indian: :cowboy:

Offline WarriorOfToys

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« Reply #17 on: March 07, 2010, 13:52:52 »
It is a shame, but there is still hope! :prays:
Maybe playmobil made this faux steck because they heard us collectors saying that their new castles were bad and we wanted steck.
So in an attemp to please us, and to make their "bigger and better" castles they met at a half way point. ???
And after they realise we don't like these as well they might (just might) realise that steck is the way to go and finally change back.
They could even develope the 45* angled connector pieces! ;D
Steck is BACK! <:>

Offline Richard

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« Reply #18 on: March 07, 2010, 15:02:55 »

Based on Richard's picture, I think it's pretty clear that these new castles are not System X but the new clip system, which stinks.

I totally agree with you, Justindo!

The new clip system ("faux steck") absolutely stinks!

However, the reason that I've been calling it "faux steck" is because with a little patience, and some gentle filing, the "clips" can be filed just a bit to allow good assembly and easy dis-assembly.

My first encounter with this horrible system was set 5746, the Tree House. I reviewed this set July 2008 at Playmofriends as the "WORST SET EVER?"

There are some good pictures in this "review" showing how "faux steck" fits together.

See attachments for a couple of pictures ... But, there are lots more in the "review" ... click HERE!

Offline Indianna

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« Reply #19 on: March 07, 2010, 16:05:38 »
Thanks for posting the link to Klickywelt, Richard! 

Originally, it looked like these two new castles might have been SystemX. However, they now look like that they may actually be the "faux steck" that Geobra has been using lately ...

Another thing that's wrong with this new "faux steck" system is how crummy and cheap it looks on the inside, as shown in this photo posted on klickywelt by quetzalcoatl:

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