Hi Rasputin

I have been pondering attempting an idea every time I look at your cloth customs. I am not into making my own after market customs but if I could even get close to your level I think it would be the only way to re-create the look I want.
Do you do any commission work
Thanks for the great comments, if you need any help just say not a problem.
As to commissions YES I do, all the items in my videos have been sold as well as other commissioned work for example I sold 3 copies of the Victorian Street market at Christmas.
I love to build things and I haven't the room to keep everything I do, also I couldn't afford to keep my work. Every time I make something I sell it on so I can afford to buy some more PM to work on. Every now and then I manage to buy a little towards my own private collection. Last week I bought an Igloo and Eskimos I've always liked - still don't know where I will put them but they are soo cool.

I'm so envious when I see everyones collections, they're just huge!

I'll get there some day... probably when I'm 80!