part I part II
in the mean time elsewhere......
Welcome to the small out of the way cabin that is about to have some changes made around the ol homestead.
Things were looking good and off to a smooth start. The "Black Belt Boys" are ready to gearing up production. They really are fascinating to watch how efficiently and precisely they get the jobs done. They were turning out to be a great choice for the laborious tasks ahead .
The main reason for them being out here for this task was for their lumbering abilities. The lumber was coming out just right and very suitable for the next phase of the operation. The forest was dense and water was available nearby.
The "Black Belt Boys" were also up to their complex ideas about selectively breading wild animals. The wolf's were making suitable mates and the pups were responding to training well. These hobbies of theirs were popular among the town folk & provided a little extra income as well.
to be continued......