Author Topic: WINTER OLYMPICS  (Read 8728 times)

Offline Rasputin

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« Reply #20 on: February 21, 2010, 18:46:38 »

When they do the store exclusives isn't the minimum order somewhere around 10,000 units. Are there more than 10,000 fans in any given market to sustain a production of even the old molds. I would think the minimum only applies to existing molds and not if Geobra need to make any new ones.

The Olympics is trademarked. I came across this-

"The Amateur Sports Act, 36 U.S.C. 380, gives the International Olympic Committee the exclusive right to prevent any person from using the following items for the purpose of trade, to induce the sale of any goods or services, or to promote any theatrical exhibition, athletic performance, or competition:

    The symbol of the IOC consisting of five interlocking rings

    The emblem of the corporation

    Any trademark, trade name, sign, symbol, or insignia falsely representing association with, or authorization by, the IOC

    The words Olympic, Olympiad, Citius Altius Fortius, or any combination or simulation thereof tending to cause confusion, to cause mistake, to deceive, or to falsely suggest a connection with the corporation of any Olympic activity. "

I do not know how a toy would fit in but it might have something to do with the lack of not only Playmobil but a lot of big toy companies not doing Olympic themes

Rasputin "The Mad Monk"
If you hear the sound of the bell which will tell you that Grigori has been killed, if it was your relations who have wrought my death, then no one in the family will remain alive. They will be killed by the Russian people. :prays:

Offline WarriorOfToys

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« Reply #21 on: February 21, 2010, 19:02:04 »

When they do the store exclusives isn't the minimum order somewhere around 10,000 units. Are there more than 10,000 fans in any given market to sustain a production of even the old molds. I would think the minimum only applies to existing molds and not if Geobra need to make any new ones.

The Olympics is trademarked. I came across this-

"The Amateur Sports Act, 36 U.S.C. 380, gives the International Olympic Committee the exclusive right to prevent any person from using the following items for the purpose of trade, to induce the sale of any goods or services, or to promote any theatrical exhibition, athletic performance, or competition:

    The symbol of the IOC consisting of five interlocking rings

    The emblem of the corporation

    Any trademark, trade name, sign, symbol, or insignia falsely representing association with, or authorization by, the IOC

    The words Olympic, Olympiad, Citius Altius Fortius, or any combination or simulation thereof tending to cause confusion, to cause mistake, to deceive, or to falsely suggest a connection with the corporation of any Olympic activity. "

Rasputin "The Mad Monk"

All those rules would make it very hard to make any decnt playmobil figures...
Maybe that is why Playmobil is being so clueless...?
Steck is BACK! <:>

Offline Richard

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« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2010, 19:44:19 »

The Olympics is trademarked. I came across this-

Rasputin "The Mad Monk"

The marketing bozos at Geobra would love you, Ras ... :love:

However, if I were the boss and this was their excuse, it wouldn't fly ...  :no:

Have you seen the Hudson's Bay Company "Olympic" website?

No "interlocking rings" and no mention of the "Winter Olympics" ... yet, everything you see is made for the Winter Olympics! How did they get around the rules? They used their "smarts" !!! They became the supplier for the Canada Winter Olympics Team !!! ...  :)9

Take a look at their TV ad ... it's another great example of HBC using their smarts !!!

Click HERE for the TV ad and HERE for HBC's website!

Geobra could have teamed up with the German Winter Olympics Team and done the same thing. Maybe not with apparel but with Playmobil souvenirs! And, then Geobra could have teamed up with Hudson's Bay Company to add everything else to a Playmobil souvenir line.

There seems to almost always be a way to get around most pesky rules ...  :klickygrin:
(Usually requires the desire, the interest and the creativity.) ...  :toot:

Thanks for digging up the "rules", Ras! ...  :)9

All the best,

Offline Bill Blackhurst

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« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2010, 20:01:07 »
As I said earlier, I give up trying to understand their lack of ingenuity as marketing goes! Richard, you should have been in charge of their marketing efforts, you sly devil ;)! They are too slow to react to the needs of their customers,! They have sat in the comfort of reputation through out the past, but if there is no change in their willingness to listen to us, & market demands, they may have a short shelf life! Case & point, look @ the slack product availability through out North America! The mom & pop toys stores are vanishing, but PM is not pursuing a broader range of vender's with a more diverse product line! The knight & pirate themes are not all that PM offers, but your big name department stores don't have much else to show those who are not interested! It will surprise me if Kmart or Target end up stocking the new Fire Department theme in its entirety, but you can expect to see bubble packs of knights & crusaders galore,....go figure!
« Last Edit: February 21, 2010, 20:16:55 by Bill Blackhurst »
  Forget about all of the other stuff,....all we need is the reintroduction of the 3526 Fire Engine!

Offline Richard

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« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2010, 20:26:11 »

Geobra are still directed by the same old man at the top, and until he gives more creative freedom I think they will always seem tramelled. The design team seem to be doing what is expected of them, nothing more.

As I said earlier, I give up trying to understand their lack of ingenuity as marketing goes!

They have sat in the comfort of reputation through out the past, but if there is no change in their willingness to listen to us, & market demands, they may have a short shelf life!

Hello, Martin and Bill ...

Let's talk about the "old man" at the top and also Geobra's "short shelf life" ...  :eh?:

The "old man" is past his mid 70s now. He's in fairly good health and could be around for at least several more years. His financial worth is in excess of a billion US dollars. (More than enough money for most people.) His major interest is golf. So, why should he worry about taking huge risks in a very fickle toy market?

His people only have to do (as you said, Martin) what's expected of them and nothing more. Why "rock the boat" and risk losing your job?

Short shelf life, Bill? The employees will probably continue to just put in their time everyday until the "old man" goes on to his final reward. Then some company (like a Mattel) will come in and buy out the "heirs" and change everything for the worse.

Every day I pray that the "old man" will last and last and last ...  :prays:
Because when he's gone, I fear that the Playmobil that we all know now and love will be gone as well ...  :(

All the best,

Offline Gepetto

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« Reply #25 on: February 21, 2010, 22:06:03 »
Well, we should just call this Geobra's Whimper Olympics and hope that what they do manage to make will reach our respective shores so we can buy them.

Offline BlueWizard

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« Reply #26 on: February 21, 2010, 22:24:35 »
Every day I pray that the "old man" will last and last and last ...  :prays:
Because when he's gone, I fear that the Playmobil that we all know now and love will be gone as well ...  :(

All the best,

I totally agree with you on that, Richard.  We really have to enjoy all of the sets Geobra is producing these days for when the "old man" is gone, things will be most likely be totally different - and not for the better!


Offline Rasputin

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« Reply #27 on: February 22, 2010, 03:19:45 »
HI Richard

Yes I know all rules are up for interpretation and your's, mine and many others bending of these rules have different degrees. Like stated these are employees who want a paycheck and want to keep it coming. I would imagine that seeing what happened to Hans that would drive out any young whipper snapper with bright ideas back to his cubicle :whip:

I have often wondered what is in store for Geobra when the "old man" retires. What is his family tree and is any close younger heir  working in upper management? Now that you mention the company is the context of "old man" it certainly would explain a lot, soon we will have Alzheimer's, diapers, and retirement centers in the pipeline for sets.

Rasputin "The Mad Monk"

If you hear the sound of the bell which will tell you that Grigori has been killed, if it was your relations who have wrought my death, then no one in the family will remain alive. They will be killed by the Russian people. :prays:

Offline Richard

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« Reply #28 on: February 22, 2010, 16:46:52 »

I have often wondered what is in store for Geobra when the "old man" retires.

Rasputin "The Mad Monk"

From what I know about the "old man", Ras, he will never retire! I would almost "bet the farm" that the "old man" will die in the saddle ...  ;D

What is his family tree and is any close younger heir working in upper management?

To the best of my knowledge, Ras, none of the "old man's" offspring are very interested in the business. My understanding is that Lechuza was created to give one of the kids something to do ...  ::)

At this point, it looks like the Playmobil that we know will only live as long as long as the "old man" lives. So, as I wrote before, "Let's all say a little prayer for the "old man" ...  :prays:

All the best,

Offline Rasputin

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« Reply #29 on: February 22, 2010, 22:12:15 »

From what I know about the "old man", Ras, he will never retire! I would almost "bet the farm" that the "old man" will die in the saddle ...  ;D

Well that is interesting, the "old man" and I share the same retirement theory  :lol: It is called the "Big Retirement" or the "Final Retirement"  0)

To the best of my knowledge, Ras, none of the "old man's" offspring are very interested in the business. My understanding is that Lechuza was created to give one of the kids something to do ...  ::)

All the best,

How many offspring are there?

Well hopefully Lechuza is successful and they somehow want to continue the parent company. I guess Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen has the same problem someday over at Lego. I maintain a bit more optimism for the companies futures and do hope the heirs do see the "cash cow" or "goose that lays the golden eggs" they will be inheriting.

Rasputin "The Mad Monk"
If you hear the sound of the bell which will tell you that Grigori has been killed, if it was your relations who have wrought my death, then no one in the family will remain alive. They will be killed by the Russian people. :prays: