Really looking forward to seeing your new castle in a couple of months, Georginetto!
Are you going to show us your "work in progress", or wait until you're finished?
I like to think showing the ' work in progress' is more interesting to all , with lots of pictures of course. My next set up will be all the mediaval sets , town and klickies ( over a 1000 in total ..) and the barons castel set, the vikings , the magic forest and robin's company and everything mediaval i have. i have never set everything before so i am pretty excited. in the process of packign everything right now, klickies and items are separated in bags , many of them to keep things separate such as weapons, treasures, horses etc etc . The caste will be broken into big pieces and i will attempt to wrap the kings quarters in one piece and everything will go in bubble cover into big boxes , taped , sealed etc . my next task apart from completing packing and transport ( 3rd party ) will be to buy the tables though more inclined to go for bespoke measure thick cardboard with a good table leg design of approx 90cm ( ??) and then cover the cardboard with green cloth as in pool tables. your table in the

mediaval set

Richard is my benchmark actually , thats what i am talking about