Just play with the stuff. I have been tearing castles down, saving them, waring with them, getting more in the mail and having fun doing it. Every time I put one down in a new area I dream up more things to do with them. I never box them up. I am a out of sight out of mind type, short attention span, ADD, and everything else in the book. My addiction to stecks only has me set up to look for more and use it (I am currently always looking for what are referred to in the DB as "House Foundations, 1 & 3 units long).
What would be interesting to do is put this castles & (just because I remember the name) Nevling at battling each other. Then in Playmobil we could see how great these castles and their locations are. I am sure somebody at GWG has some sort of rules
I would even try my luck at designing a fortification.
Rasputin "The Mad Monk"