Thanks, that's good to know. When I can put "Instructions Do Not Exist" on a set, it doesn't clutter up my "Instructions Wanted" list.No rush, my heavens, take care of your real life first! It will start to feel more like home once you're surrounded by your stuff.
Actually we ARE surrounded by our stuff, since 3pm yesterday. The problem is it's all still in boxes and we now have about half the floorspace we used to have in our rental apartment, due to a slight technical error. The only furniture we shipped from London were a pair of bunk beds and one high bed, as we'd bought them new not long ago, and figured we could sleep on two of these for a couple more months until we can move into our new house proper, then put them in the spare bedrooms.
The technical glitch is that we packed all the nuts and bolts somewhere very safe... so safe we can't find them.

We're going through every box and bag looking for them today, and if we really have lost them then hopefully Lowe's or Jerry's will have the necessary nuts and bolts. If we can assemble two beds then we'll have more floorspace again, and I will be able to get to the scanner.