Thank you everyone for the comments

The rafting picture was challenging in that i had to set the tripod in the creek. I had to turn off the flash so the camera wanted to open the shutter for a longer time. I have shaky hands so holding it does not work. I set it up, pushed the shutter button and was hoping the longer shutter would blur out the water and keep the raft/klickies in focus. The raft is actually stuck in a shallow spot . I like how it turned out and it is fun to show the kids how to do photography while playing in the forest.
Thanks again for the kind comments
Rasputin "The Mad Monk"
PS: Tim, yes it is a great trail. It used to have all the hand built wooden trellises not too long ago as well. Kids kept playing on them and finally the county burned them down out of fear that somebody would get killed falling off of them. The route has tunnels and all but most have the entrances dynamited. If you know where they are you can still access them due to people digging them out. Its really creepy inside a long cave and only a tiny access hole. The great part is where I took the dino pictures. It is a 200 foot tall 400 foot long cliff section where the trail was carved into the rock face.