Hi All,
Firstly, thanks to all those who posted pictures -- much appreciated!
Well, like many (if not most) other people who have posted here, I am bemused by the secret agents theme. Personally, I can't see the point, but oh well. I think it was Indianna who suggested perhaps Geobra are simply throwing ideas at the wall to see what sticks. Seems a somewhat expensive thing to do, but what do I know?
The new knights theme, on the other hand, I think is (mostly) quite good. I, too, long for the days of Steck, but it looks to me like the new castles might be System-X, at least in part. Since I haven't got the room for them, I have my doubts that I will actually buy either of them, but the new knights and many of their accessories -- I see many expensive DS orders on the horizon.
The colour choices and heraldry are much more to my taste, and the various new pieces (helmets, crests, shields, barding for horses, looks like a new type of legs for knights) look great. I will be happy to welcome these new guys into my medieval army!
And St Nicholas's bishop's mitre and the new Wise Men fantastic. I'm always slightly suspicious of explicitly religious themes in toys, but given the background of the company it's not terribly surprising. I'm just glad they didn't go for an overtly 'Crusaders' theme.
Now comes the hard part: waiting until the sets I'd like become available, or the part numbers appear on PlaymoDB so I can order them from DS!