So I am just sitting here at the computer wasting time

and looking for something interesting in the Playmo world while we all wait for more news about this year's new releases (we'll probably have to wait until February after the Nurnberg Toy Fair.) Anyway, I remembered Sven/macnavi who is an old Playmo friend to many of us here, though not actually a
Playmofriend per se, and started to wonder what he is up to. Here is a link to his website, also available from the Playmofriends links page:
Svencentral. If you haven't seen his stuff before, I recommend it very highly.
Once there, be sure to watch his several EXCELLENT Playmobil
stop motion films and check out his new hobby of building
1:87 scale model train scenes from scratch which is very very cool (even if it isn't Playmobil-related

.) If you look at his model building blog posts there is a very interesting technique there called
"glueprinting" which seems to be a nifty way to make textured surfaces on model buildings, roads, etc. (the method may be well-known to other folks here, but it's the first that I've heard of it.)
So, if you're looking for a satisfying way to waste time, take a visit to Sven's place - I promise you will enjoy it!