Bought 7834 One-horse carriage on sale on for my oldest daughter and also bought 5871 princess carriage for my youngest. Both are the same just painted different and come with different accessories. I thought they were both very nice and were both great gifts from Santa....
HOWEVER, when I put them together the folded roof pieces does not attach. I thought it might be defective on one until I put the other together and realized the same situation. Having purchased well over 20 items for my three kids this Christmas from the playmobil line, these were the only disappointments. Normally everything is very soundsly made and assembled.
I dread the thought of dealing with Playmobil directly as I am still waiting for two orders for parts placed weeks ago. Thinking about sending these two back sounds like more trouble them just sucking it up and keeping them - with that said, both my daughters are upset that they are not the way they look in the pictures.
Anyone else have this problem with them?? Any solutions??